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Lost Cat, Woburn


Milo, a 2 year old male cat has been missing since Dec. 10, 2012. He is fully black with green eyes and went missing at the junction of North Warren St and Harrison Avenue in Woburn, MA (the center of Woburn near Police Station and Library Field Park). He has a good radius for movement, as he is an outdoor cat that is an experienced hunter; he has been seen hunting wild bunnies, etc. We are sick with worry and would like to know if anyone may have thought he was an abandoned cat and brought him to a location for protection from the weather. He only has one distinctive feature, a limp claw that hangs. He is neutered. He was not wearing a collar. He is not micro-chipped. If you see or find Milo, please contact:

Penny Hoene

C: 781-492-0016