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Hi Marie – Hope you and all the ‘Kitty Connection’ gang are doing well?! Benjie and I just hit the 1 month mark and I thought I’d give you an update. His favorite spot is still inbetween the couch/wall…but he usually ventures out during the evening hours. He’s comfortable enough to sit under the cocktail table, the living room floor, or the kitchen table. He sleeps there too now. I just reopened my bedroom door and he’s yet to find that out – so, I’m sure once he realizes that has happened – he may take the bedroom window on as his ‘fav’ spot?! I now have both the food/water and kitty box by the apartment door. I was keeping the food/water close to the couch but at the 1 month mark I moved it to the apartment door. He’s not thrilled with that change, but he’s accepted it. I definitely believe at this point that he was verbally and/or physically abused at his last home. I’m thinking that maybe he ran from his owners when they were moving – not that they left him? We’ll never know for sure – but just the way he acts. He still cringes and is skiddish. Not so much as mistrusting people as he seems scared?! Just the way he acts. He can still run from me – if I come up on him too quickly. He still likes me to pet him. Even his whole back to his tail now. So, maybe he’ll never be totally comfortable in this/any surroundings? For sure it’s going to take a long, long time…not just a month like I thought. I never dealt with an adult rescue cat before – only kittens. It’s all fine though. I think he’s comfortable enough with me and him knowing he isn’t going anywhere different – so, he seems content with that. It doesn’t matter – it all works. I love him and him being here, period. I’ve included a couple of ‘pics’ to show ya. Ok girl, take care.
