Click here to read about our Giving Tuesday Cats!

Chairman Meow

Hi Marie! Thanks for your email! Maui, now Chairman Meow is doing great! As soon as we got him home, he was out of the carrier exploring his new space. He was a little shy at first, but every day he becomes more and more comfortable and outgoing with us. For the first few days he hung out a lot in the bathroom, but now he likes to roam all through the house. His favorite spots are on top of the washing machine, in a closet with his litterbox, and underneath the coffee table. Although he isn’t super cuddly, he definitely likes to be around us and will curl up on the couch or at the end of the bed to snuggle. He loves playing with toys, especially feather wands, and is very very vocal when he wants something from us. We’re also discovering some funny little quirks he has–he has a very distinctive little tail wiggle, and head butts everything from chair legs to our arms.He’s thankfully broken his habit of peeing on the bathroom rug. We’ve had a few issues with him peeing on a rug near his litterbox–we’re still working on it, but he’s getting much better. The best part is we can tell how happy he is to be adopted, and how happy he is to be in our home with us! He’s a wonderful cat and we love him so much! Thanks a lot!

Carla and Zel