Hi! I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that Tornado is doing great here 🙂 We have brought Willow in as well, and while there was a week or so of light hisses, short chases, and a lot of hiding, they are both really warming up to each other. She is starting to come out of her shell more; when she is settled, she will let us pet her, especially the cheeks and ears, and she has even taken to rolling onto her back and cuddling on our hands when we pet her. She is still nervous and skittish, but every day she is getting a little braver. Your tip on the social eating is really helping as well. I finally found out why Willow was eating his food so fast (because it wasn’t him! ha ). Tonight I had them next to each other eating their wet food, with Tory occasionally trying to “share” Willow’s meal. She is a real sweetheart; I am so glad I got to meet her, and all of you. Thanks so much!