

Hello, my name is Popeye and I was one of several stray cats living in a lady’s back yard.   She sent out emails looking for help for some of us.  She said one of us looked pretty beat up.  That was me.  Fortunately, Kitty Connection trapped me and I turned out friendly.  My long fur was so matted that they had to shave me.  My eye was in rough shape and needed to be removed, and my third digit pad needed to be amputated.  I was adopted, but I didn’t get along with the other cat in the house…. we both wanted to be King Cat! So, I either need to be an only cat or with a confident cat that will tolerate my bossiness. My fur is growing in and my coloring is called “smoke” because it is half silver and half black.  I will be a very striking fellow when all of my fur grows in and my perpetual “wink” is endearing!  I hope you find me adorable and take me home with you!

Me today!

Popeye Popeye-DLH-6-2-14_002-e1401715307878 (482x525) Popeye3 (454x473)


[embed_youtube src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/diPf5rSNRsQ” width=”100%” height=”400px” class=”” id=””]

Before Surgery [embed_youtube src=”//www.youtube.com/embed/8e3pe9ims8c” width=”100%” height=”400px” class=”” id=””]

Popeye -DLH - 3-16-14  Popeye -DLH - 3-16-14 (9)  Popeye -DLH - 3-16-14 (7)  Popeye -DLH - 3-16-14 (5) Popeye -DLH - 3-16-14 (4)  Popeye -DLH - 3-16-14 (2) Popeye -DLH - 3-16-14 (1)

After Surgery:
Popeye - DLH - After surgery_001

Popeye - DLH - After surgery