Owen (Danny)

We received a fantastic update on one of our great success stories. Danny, now called Owen, came to us when a Kitty Connection volunteer literally picked him up off the street. We unfortunately had to remove his eyes which were non-functioning at that point, but Sara took Danny in and adopted him!


Owen is doing great. He’s the most wonderful little guy – not sure what I’d do without him. He makes his way around my house so well that I oftentimes forget he’s blind. He can easily go from the window (his favorite place) across to the back of the couch, down to the living room table, jump on the rug, and take off at practically a run to his food bowl in the kitchen! It’s really amazing to see; I’ll try and get it on video for you.
Shortly after I got Owen he had six teeth removed and I think that made him feel a lot better. We also had an echocardiogram done as he had a slight heart murmur. Nothing to be overly concerned about – we’ll have a follow up in a couple of months just to see if that’s his “norm” or if he needs to get on some meds. Overall though he’s incredibly healthy – and his coat looks terrific.
Thanks so much for everything you did for my boy before we found each other. You guys are the best!!

Thank you Sara for the wonderful update! Hopefully Owen continues to thrive with you as his best friend. We at KC wish you both many more years together!


Owen’s  original post can be found here.


Owen - Danny -Laundry Pile Owen - Danny - Whopper