
Chipolte1 (747x515)My name is Chipotle. I’m a female tortoiseshell, and I’m around two years old. I was found living in the basement of an unoccupied home and seemed to be pregnant. However, it turns out that I had an infected uterus, but the vet fixed me up and I’m ready to find a permanent home. I love to play and while I don’t meow too often, I have a beautiful purr. I dish out a good amount of affection, but it does have to be on my terms – I”ll squirm if you try to pick me up, but if you sit on the couch, I may join you. Or, better yet, sit down on the floor, call me over, and we can hang out. I’ll enjoy giving head butts and ‘making buiscuits’, and you’ll enjoy petting me.

My current foster home has an older female cat who is not thrilled to share her place with me, so we hiss and posture at each other, but have not gotten into any actual fights as the humans keep an eye on us when we are together. So, it’s a possiblity that I could share a place with another cat who is welcoming to newcomers, although it may require a patient introduction.

Chipolte (431x545)