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We decided to rename Tahiti. His new name is Mocha (or Mochaccino or Mocha Bear or just Bear). We love him so much. He seems to have adjusted very well to his new home. He loves cuddling with my partner and me and is pretty talkative, which is very cute. He is also very friendly with all of our friends who have come over to meet him. He is wonderful.
We took him to our normal veterinarian and after a couple tests, we found out he has hyperthyroidism. Luckily it seems to be a mild case and early on, but we have to give him some medication every day to treat it. We are gonna go back in a few weeks to get another blood test for him to see how it is progressing, but Dr. P. did not seem particularly concerned.
Aside from that, the three of us are very happy together and we are so glad we found Mocha. We are really grateful for Kitty Connection. Thank you so much for bringing Mocha into our lives and for reaching out to us. Keep helping more furry friends!