Clear the Shelters Week Special: $50.00. My name is Rafael and I’m a handsome 10 year old male cat. My owner couldn’t take care of me any longer and when she found out I was diabetic, she decided to put me down. Someone came to arrange for my euthanasia and saw how handsome and healthy looking I was and said “no way!” is this cat going down. They networked and KC took me in to help. I am on a special diet and taking my insulin and my levels are going down. The vet feels, like people, my poor diet and extra pounds caused this. I am looking forward to not needing insulin. So, I need an adopter who can give me a little extra TLC, but taking care of me is not at all difficult. I pretend not to even notice when I get my insulin twice a day. I get along well with cats of all ages, even younger cats who like to wrestle, which goes to show how young-at-heart I am. In this season of kittens, it’s not every day an adopter comes looking for a mellow fellow with charm and grace, but when they do, I’ll be here waiting for you. Please contact my foster mom, Marie, to make an appointment to meet me: spooky1354@comcast.net