My name is Paddy and I live in a feral colony that has a caregiver. My caregiver hadn’t seen me much but when she finally did she noticed that I was not looking good. She contacted Kitty Connection. I was just lying down and moping, and didn’t even run when my caregiver came over to petted me. She knew then that something was wrong. She fixed an area in her home for me to stay until she could get me help. I need a blood work up to see what is going on so I can get the treatment I need and to help to get me back on my feet. I might have a thyroid issue which is treatable. My caregiver will continue to keep me inside and care for me. Please help me stay alive. Most people don’t care about feral cats but we have feelings too and we are more aware than you may think. I knew my caregiver would help me which is why I just stayed close by and never ran away. I saw she was attempting to do just what I needed her to do.