
My name is Ebony and I am a 4 years old lab or sharpei mix. I am playful and love to run around the yard playing fetch and chasing after flying stuffed toys or tennis
balls. I also enjoy going for walks and getting the chance to stop and sniff around here and there. I walk with an easy-walk harness so that I don’t pull you too much. I have made friends with a few other dogs here at the ARL Brewster kennel. (I prefer those who enjoy a good play session, like me!) I might be a bit too enthusiastic for the little guys who might find my play style overwhelming. I am smart and I like to learn…I know a few commands like sit and I enjoy receiving doggie cookies for showing off! I am a bundle of fun with those I know. If you are new to me, I like to have a chance to sniff you and get to know you first. I make friends faster if there is a toy involved…I’m always up for a game of fetch! Being in a kennel can be pretty overwhelming to some dogs, and I am one of them. When you come in
to meet me, please ask to get to meet me outside of the kennel so that you can see my wonderful personality!

If you are interested in meeting me, please contact:

Alysia Kulas
Brewster Intake Supervisor
Animal Rescue League of Boston
Brewster Adoption Center

