Buddy is a 60 lb., 7-year old Shepherd mix. Buddy is blind and he’s depressed because he has not adjusted well to a chaotic household with six children. He is desperately in need of a quieter home with no children and an owner who will help him learn how to live a comfortable and less stressful life, easing his depression and allowing him to enjoy life once again. He is low energy and craves mostly a couch, a warm lap and a manageable yard. Buddy does have some skin and ear allergies but we feel these may be controlled with less stress and monitoring with a good vet.
Buddy still has his appetite and prefers to enjoy that uninterrupted.
Please consider Buddy. His owner is thinking of putting him down because he is so sad. We believe with the right adopter, this boy will learn to live life again.
If you are interested in an application, please email Mary Lou maryloumaria@yahoo.com. There will be no adoption fee for Buddy if you are the home for Buddy. Thank you.