My name is Fluffy and I am a seven year old girl. I was very scared when I got rescued from the streets but I am starting to relax and enjoy the security of being indoors. My fur was badly matted and I got a lion’s cut to start fresh. One day my hair will be long again and I will live up to my name! I need someone who will be patient with me and will give me the time I need to feel safe again. I love having a cozy place to retreat to, but I will come out to get scratches behind my ears and under my chin which are my favorite. I will do best in a home with no other cats or small children.
Unless otherwise noted in the above description, Kitty Connection cats have been:
– spayed or neutered
– vaccinated against rabies and distemper
– tested negative for FIV and FeLV
– examined by a vet
Adopters will receive their medical records.
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Cats can live up to 20 years, so give careful thought to the changes that are likely to occur in your life during that time. If you can and will commit to providing a safe, loving home for life, then please submit a pre-adoption application.
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