Three-year-old Haiti might just be the friendliest cat you’re ever likely to meet. He came from a hoarding house that belonged to someone who died. Once he arrived in his foster home, it did not take him long to figure out he was taken out of a bad situation and placed into a much better one. If you want a friendly little guy who’ll rub against your leg and respond to petting with a warm purr, Haiti is the boy for you. We have not observed him with dogs or kids. We think he’d be good with kids who know how to treat cats respectfully. We know for sure her does not like other cats. As friendly as he is, he should go to an interactive home where he will not be left unaccompanied for long periods of time. Whoever adopts this boy is going to get a devoted best friend for life. Haiti is an easy cat who seems suitable for a first-time adopter.
He has been:
– neutered
– given rabies and distemper vaccinations
– tested negative for FeLV and FIV
– treated for worms and fleas
Haiti has a food allergy that is treatable through medication and an easily obtainable prescription diet that costs about the same as high-end over-the-counter cat food. His adopter will receive his medical records. There is a simple adoption process and a discounted adoption fee so we can continue to help cats in need. He’s being fostered in Charlestown.
Cats can live up to 20 years, so give careful thought to the changes that are likely to occur in your life during that time. If you can and will commit to him and provide a safe, loving home for life, then respond to RoyCBarrows@gmail.com. Please include your phone number for a faster response and say a little about yourself and the home you would provide for him as we try to match people with the right cats.