Hi, I’m Zeke, an 11-year-old 13-lb handsome domestic shorthair with rabbit-like fur. Life with me has been a journey for my foster mom. People assume that my life was really rough before coming into kitty connection, as I was in serious need of some dental work and I was extremely fearful after being brought in by Animal Control from a neglect situation. I may have spent a few days living in a little girl’s dresser as a result of my excellent hiding skills and desperation not to be found. As it happens, with time and patience and medical attention, I’ve come out of my shell and now I love to play with my foster mom, but only at night because I’m a night owl. I also don’t totally trust the baby who lives here, which could have something to do with my tendency to come out just as she goes to sleep. I do let the 7 yo feed me treats. Although I’m at a more mature stage of life, I play like a kitten- so noisy and rambunctious through the night that my foster mom won’t let me play in her room anymore because I wake everyone up. I love batting at her feet when she goes to feed the baby in the middle of the night. I stay close to my foster mom once I come out of hiding, but I still sometimes flinch when she reaches out to pet me out of habit, and a couple weeks went by when I would bat at her feet or rub against her legs but still didn’t feel safe when she’d reach a hand out. My ideal situation would be one with older adults in the home who are around a lot for the company and who will be patient with me to get used to their presence. I came from a situation apparently with multiple other cats and “dog’s best friend” was written on my file, but my foster mom thinks I deserve an extremely low stress home environment- so only the most mellow and friendly other pets would be worth a shot. It’s possible i’d appreciate having another playmate if given the time to adjust at my own pace. I’ve been fostered with another cat at home and I never showed any aggression towards her, but she hissed at me so I stayed away. Despite my having been very fearful, I’ve always accepted medication easily and never been aggressive. My foster mom thinks I’m pretty special and she is very proud of the progress I’ve made. I’m a sweetheart with a pretty silly personality if given the time to come out of my shell.

Unless otherwise noted in the above description, Kitty Connection cats have been:
– spayed or neutered
– vaccinated against rabies and distemper
– tested negative for FIV and FeLV
– examined by a vet
Adopters will receive their medical records.
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Cats can live up to 20 years, so give careful thought to the changes that are likely to occur in your life during that time. If you can and will commit to providing a safe, loving home for life, then please submit a pre-adoption application.
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