
Hi, I’m Tux!  I’m a 2-year old boy who is so excited to be on my way to finding my forever home.  I am a very elegantly dressed gentleman, always in black tie.  I also have unique white feathering on my forehead and a pink stripe down the middle of my black nose.  I really love people, and crave being in their company.  On my very first night with my foster mom I snuggled right up to her as the little spoon and purred and purred myself to sleep.  I would really like to be in a home where I can give and get lots of affection, and also sleep with my person.  I also love to play, give head butts, give you my forehead for kisses, make biscuits, sit in windows, nap in my donut-shaped cat bed.  And talk.   My foster mom says that I am a great conversationalist! 

Unless otherwise noted in the above description, Kitty Connection cats have been:

– spayed or neutered
– vaccinated against rabies and distemper
– tested negative for FIV and FeLV
– examined by a vet

Adopters will receive their medical records.

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Cats can live up to 20 years, so give careful thought to the changes that are likely to occur in your life during that time. If you can and will commit to providing a safe, loving home for life, then please submit a pre-adoption application.
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