My name is Pip and I’m a 10 year old male Chocolate Point Siamese. I used to be best friends with the other cat in my house, but for some reason things went sour and now we really don’t get along. Mommy has tried everything, and is very sad that we’re fighting and hurting each other. I have to stay in a separate room, which is really a bummer because I love cuddling, and sleeping with mommy at night (I like to snuggle right by her head or lay on her legs.) I had a urinary obstruction a couple of months ago, so I need to be on a special diet, but you can order it right on Chewy. I’m a little shy at first, but I love laps and making head butting you and meowing to get attention! I also love playing!

Unless otherwise noted in the above description, Kitty Connection cats have been:
– spayed or neutered
– vaccinated against rabies and distemper
– tested negative for FIV and FeLV
– examined by a vet
Adopters will receive their medical records.
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Cats can live up to 20 years, so give careful thought to the changes that are likely to occur in your life during that time. If you can and will commit to providing a safe, loving home for life, then please submit a pre-adoption application.
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