Salutations. My name is Zeus. I’m a 3-year-old FIV+ male cat with striking green eyes looking for a purrfect furever home. My foster mom says that I’m a kitten and a puppy wrapped up in an adult cat’s body because I’m so curious and playful. I always greet my foster mom at the front door when she returns home. I like to follow my foster mom around the house as she tends to her daily activities. Sometimes I run ahead of and in front of her to either play or otherwise get her attention. I’m quiet and don’t meow a lot but when I have something to say I like to converse by trilling, chattering, purring and making a “mrrp” sound. I like to give lots of head bumps and rub up against foster mom’s shins.
I live in a third floor condo so I have the benefit of watching the world go by from my kitty perch in the window as I nap and bask in the sun. I often smile while napping or sleeping. My favorite toy is a stuffed fish. I pull it towards my body with my front paws while simultaneously pushing it away from my body with my hind feet. I’m an expert in guerilla warfare tactics where I ambush my foster mom from underneath the furniture with my front paws. I’m a couch potato that immensely enjoys watching TV. Sometimes I growl at the TV in reaction to the program that I am watching. Ever so often my foster mom has to remind me that she’s not a cat. So I would benefit from being in a home with another cat(s). Likewise I’m looking for a home that has no young children in it. I would probably adjust quite well living with a dog that has a chill personality.
***Update from Zeus’s foster mom***
Hi. I’m Zeus’s foster mom. I would like to offer an update on Zeus’s stay with me. Zeus came to me somewhat afraid, insecure and needy for attention. During his stay with me he has opened up to blossom into a beautiful, handsome kitty. His favorite activities are lounging on his window perch and watching TV. He is quite skilled at playing cat video games on my iPad. So far his most significant achievement is allowing me to clip his claws. Each week I place him in a burrito wrap with a beach towel so that I can clip his claws. I have managed to clip one paw per week. At this rate by the time I get to his last paw it will be time to start all over again (progress comes in many different ways).
Zeus mainly communicates with me by chirping and trilling. When he meows that means that he is very serious about something and I need to pay attention to him. He has a fangy smiling expression on his face, especially when he’s purring. He has become very playful including having cases of the zoomies at night. His favorite toy is a kick stick in the form of a fish. He enjoys catnip but he can take or leave it. He enjoys being rubbed and massaged, especially on his neck, behind his ears and under his chin. When he’s especially happy he likes to give head bumps. He likes to claim me as his own by rubbing his chin and cheeks along my face, hands and legs. Zeus has recently become a lap cat who also likes to cuddle with me at night when we go to bed. Zeus often follows me around the house as I take on my daily activities.
Zeus will thrive in a home alone or with another kitty or a dog with a chill personality. Zeus expresses his wants and needs really well including asking for personal space when needed. Therefore he would not do well in a home with children. I’m sharing my 1,100 sq ft, third floor condo with Zeus and he is quite pleased with his housing arrangement.
Zeus is FIV positive and living his best life. He’s thriving, happy and waiting to find his purrfect furever home. Both Zeus and I would welcome a playdate or home visit for anyone who would like to consider him for adoption.
Take time to educate yourself about FIV and debunk common myths!

Unless otherwise noted in the above description, Kitty Connection cats have been:
– spayed or neutered
– vaccinated against rabies and distemper
– tested negative for FIV and FeLV
– examined by a vet
Adopters will receive their medical records.
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Cats can live up to 20 years, so give careful thought to the changes that are likely to occur in your life during that time. If you can and will commit to providing a safe, loving home for life, then please submit a pre-adoption application.
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