Hi, my name is Finley and I’m a very affectionate 5-year-old short-haired kitty. I’m a very handsome Turkish Van mix. I love giving kisses and snuggling up next to you. I’ll pat your arm if I want more attention or curl up next to you. I’m also a fantastic work from home buddy and will happily hang out with you while you work. I would also be okay if you work outside the home but get ready to play with me when you get back! I have a good amount of energy and love to play. I will carry my toys around the house, and wand toys are my favorite! I’m also a master biscuit maker when I’m content.
I’m a special, loving cat but I do need a special home to match. I need a quiet, low-traffic, and cat-savvy home without kids or other pets. I’m a bit of a scaredy-cat about loud noises and will need some time to settle into my new home, but I’ll reward you with lots of kisses and affection once I do.

Unless otherwise noted in the above description, Kitty Connection cats have been:
– spayed or neutered
– vaccinated against rabies and distemper
– tested negative for FIV and FeLV
– examined by a vet
Adopters will receive their medical records.
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Cats can live up to 20 years, so give careful thought to the changes that are likely to occur in your life during that time. If you can and will commit to providing a safe, loving home for life, then please submit a pre-adoption application.
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