Hello! I’m Cleo, a 7-month-old female kitten. Named after Cleopatra not only for my beauty but more notably for my intelligence and strength. I am a shy kitten who was born outside. Fending for myself for the early months of my life. Nonetheless, I prevailed and found myself in the safe home of my foster parents. Sometimes I think I rule the roost in my foster home! I love playing with my foster parents’ cats (3 boys to play with!) and enjoy playing with my wand toy with my humans. And boy do I LOVE Churus!!!!!
I am not your typical kitten (but hey who wants to be typical), I’m special. I require a forever home with parents that understand the journey I have been on. Although I VERY MUCH enjoy the company of other cats, I am still learning to trust humans. My forever parents need to help continue to show me that humans can be trusted just like my foster parents are showing me.
The best home for me will have no young kids, and absolutely MUST have other cats in the home. They make me feel the most safe.
I can’t wait to build a loving bond with my forever parents.

Unless otherwise noted in the above description, Kitty Connection cats have been:
– spayed or neutered
– vaccinated against rabies and distemper
– tested negative for FIV and FeLV
– examined by a vet
Adopters will receive their medical records.
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Cats can live up to 20 years, so give careful thought to the changes that are likely to occur in your life during that time. If you can and will commit to providing a safe, loving home for life, then please submit a pre-adoption application.
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