Before you consider adopting a cat, keep in mind that a cat can live 20 years or more. That means being prepared to have your cat in your life for many years and the responsibilities that accompany having a pet. A lot will happen in your life during these 20 years.
Maybe you’ll marry and have children — what if your cat doesn’t like children? What if they develop allergies? You lose your job and need to move back home and Mom doesn’t want the cat to come? You get a new job cross country, need to move and can’t find a pet-friendly apartment? Meet a guy or gal who is allergic to cats or doesn’t like pets? You are getting divorced and your life is in chaos and the kids aren’t helping with the pets?
Make sure you have back-up friends and family that will be able to come through for you if you end up in a situation involving major life changes.
Consider adopting an older cat whose lifespan will be shorter.
Be a responsible pet owner; adopt only if you can commit to taking care of your pet for its lifetime — 20 years or more. Pets are not disposable.
Kittens are cute and fun, but their kitten stage lasts only a few months and then guess what: You have a cat! Consider adopting a wonderful already grown cat. If you simply must have a kitten, be prepared by filling out and submitting our pre-adoption agreement and we’ll put you on our waiting list. But, we hope you will think big!
The sweetness of kittens and their joyful antics can bring lots of pleasure to our lives. But adopting a kitten also brings with it some issues you need to consider before adopting. Since kittens that come to us have often started out life under trying circumstances, they may not be in the best of health, and some may even die within their first year ‑ a sad but true fact. Kittens can be carriers of disease that can affect other cats. Common kitten diseases include FIP, ring worm, URI, conjunctivitis. We provide medical treatment for our kittens but sometimes that is not enough.
Kittens are energetic and curious. Their curiosity and energy is what makes them so delightful to have around! However, if your furniture and belongings are of utmost importance to you, then perhaps a kitten is not the right choice for you. A cat’s natural instinct is to stretch and drag their nails across rough surfaces, such as upholstered furniture and rugs. Teaching them early on to use scratching posts and gently discouraging bad behavior can help but is not foolproof. The joy brought to our lives by having a wonderful companion in the years ahead is enough for some of us to counteract destruction to our materials possessions – but if that’s not enough for you, then a kitten is not right for you!
One last thing to consider are the other members of your household. If there are infants and very young children in your family, a kitten may not be the best choice. A kitten’s nails are very sharp, and even though a kitten may not be acting aggressively, its nails can still do damage to little faces. Conversely, small children can damage fragile kittens. Consider an adult cat instead.
If you rent your home, you must provide a signed letter from your landlord stating that you are allowed to have pets on the leased premises. If you own your own home, you must provide a copy of your tax bill or other evidence of ownership. It is important to us that our dogs find “forever homes” and not be abandoned or surrendered unnecessarily. We look forward to hearing from you!
What Happens if Your Adoption Doesn’t Work Out?
Kitty Connection is committed to ensuring a happy and healthy life for every cat that is brought to them for help. We understand that an adoption does not always work out – for whatever reasons. In these instances, any cat(s) adopted from Kitty Connection must be returned to Kitty Connection so that we can work to find the cat a new home. Adopters must understand, however, that there may be a small waiting period before Kitty Connection can take the cat back due to the constant intake of surrendered, abandoned and found cats. Overcrowding can cause sickness and is something we need to avoid. We will always take the animal back as soon as that is possible, and you must be willing to hold onto your adopted pet until we are able to take it back. If that is not possible, we will work with you to resolve the situation.
Please be aware that abandonment of an animal carries a $1,000 fine.