My name is Tigger and I am a very friendly 7 month old male who gets along with other cats and dogs.
Adopted animals.
My name is Tigger and I am a very friendly 7 month old male who gets along with other cats and dogs.
My name is Tabatha and I am a very friendly 7 month old female cat who gets along with other cats and dogs.
Our names are Tommy and Teddy and we are 7 month old brothers. We are very friendly and playful. We love having your attention and being in your company. We are comfortable being picked up and held and we love lots of love and attention. We are up for adoption with other siblings and hope that we will be adopted in pairs.
I’m still on the hunt for my forever home! My name is Madi, I am a sweet 6-month-old female kitten. As you can tell I’m very affectionate and will make sure I’m the perfect lap cat for your home office. I love rolling over for belly rubs and chin scratches if you don’t mind me asking? Won’t you consider adopting me?
We are Maeve (white face) and Madi (brown face). Two 6 month old kittens. We are very friendly and cuddly. Love to play but also get pets on your lap. We’d love to be adopted together if possible. Please consider adopting us.Update: Maeve is adopted.
Hi! My name is Binxie, I am a very pretty, nearly all black 8 month old kitten. I love people and dogs. I am not so wild about other cats as I like to be queen of the house. I may be okay with an older male cat but just me and the dogs would be fine. I like to play with my toys and will give you lots of purring
My name is Hazel and I am a 4-year-old declawed female. I am a friendly girl who enjoys love and attention. Right now I’m really stressed about losing my home. It’s more scary when you don’t have claws if you need to defend yourself. Once I feel safe, I will be back to my same sweet self. I’m best with no small children and a more stable home life where I
Hi, I’m Aragog! I’m an absolutely stunning 9-month-old Russian Blue mix. I had a tough life but have come a long way from living in a colony of cats. I was lucky that my foster family gave me the love and time that I needed to trust humans again. My foster mom would keep me in a heart beat if she could. I’m a sweet girl who wants so badly
My name is Maxine and I am a 7-month-old female. I am a very friendly girl who gets along well with other cats and loves to play. I definitely need another playmate in my life.
Our names are Crystal (gray) and Jessie (black). We are 9 month old kittens who need to be adopted together. We are the sweetest kitties who love to play and cuddle with our foster mom on the couch while she works. She calls us both noodles because we love to flop over for pets and naps on the floor or in your lap. I (Crystal) am very outgoing and will
My name is Candy and I am a 7 month old friendly and sweet female who gets along with other cats.
My name is Ivy and I am a friendly and sweet 7 month old female who is good with other cats.
Hi! My name is Bailey. I am a 2-year-old female tuxedo cat. I can be very shy at first, but giving me time and patience will help me open up. I am now out and about at my foster parent’s home after being given a few days to adjust. I love getting pets and will purr loudly like a motorboat. I also don’t mind being held! I would prefer an experienced
My name is almond and I am a 7 month old female. I am very friendly and lovable and get along with other cats.
My name is Jasper and I am a very friendly 9 month old male.
My name is Tiger and I am an 8 month old very friendly and playful female.
Hi! My name is Freeway. I love to talk to people when they are doing things around the house. I also love to come to you to get attention. Even though I am a big boy I do get scared at noises and will run to a safe place, but I come back quickly for more pets.
My name is Rudolph and I am a very friendly and playful 5 month old male kitten.
My name is Dustin and I am 11 month old friendly male kitten.
I’m Angel and I’m a very sweet 5 month tortie kitten that loves to be by your side. I am very friendly with humans and would make a great companion for someone who is looking for a cuddly cat. I would do best with an older cat that can show me the ropes but isn’t interested in playing because it’s not my top priority.
Our names are Elana (tortie) and Noelle (white and black) and we are 6 month old female kittens that want to be adopted together. I, Elana, love my feather stick, colorful plastic springs or puffballs to carry around in my mouth and I’ll even talk to it! My favorite place to sit and watch all the action is at the top of a cat tree. Noelle is a lap kitty that will make your heart jingle all
Our names are Holly (single black ear) and Jolly and our foster mom says that we are the sweetest siblings ever! We are playful, curious and cuddly 4 month old lap kitties. We are usually following you around like your shadow or snuggled together sleeping. We are very affectionate and lovable brother and sister kittens who want to be adopted together. We are the perfect pair for your family!
My name is Hans and I’m a very friendly 6 month old male kitten. I’m the type of guy who wears my heart on their sleeve…or me, on my back. I am a very active guy with a very playful personality who will put lots of smiles on your face. I’m used to having friends to play and rough house with so I definitely need another friendly playmate who will be
My name is Emma Lulu and I am a very friendly 6 month old female. I am very playful and energetic. I get along with other cats and will need another playmate in my life. I’m a real sweet girl with lots of love and fun to bring into your life.
My name is Chatty and I am a 3 year old female cat. I am very friendly and outgoing would be best as an only cat. I sure do love to talk!
Hi, I’m Lance! I’m a very handsome 11 month old male. I am a bit shy of my surroundings but seek out pets from my humans and get along great with other cats. I need some time to get comfortable in a new space but once I do, I am a playful, gentle, social guy.
My name is Cleo and I am a 5 month old female caliby kitten. I am very friendly and playful and definitely need another friend in my life. I’m a Diva just like most calicos and slap the male kittens around because I can! I have my cuddly and lovable side as well.
Hello we are Marcia (white), Maya (tabby with white face) and Mabel (tabby with brown face). We are 6 month old kittens that love run around and play. We are super affectionate and love jumping up on humans laps for pets. Won’t you consider adopting us?
Our names are ZsaZsa (female tortie) and Zipper (black male) and we are very friendly 4-5 month old kittens. We are not from the same litter but have lived together. Sadly, our owner could no longer keep us so we are looking for our forever homes. It would be nice if we could stay together. We are very friendly and playful and have a grand time together. We love being petted
My name is Leigh and I am a four-month-old female. I’m a very pretty little girl with a very sweet and friendly personality. I definitely need to have a playmate in my life. I am recovering from my space so I do need to be careful.
My name is Pharaoh and I am a 12-year-old male. My owner passed away and I’m looking for a new family to love me. I am a very friendly guy who enjoys being petted and being with you. I have a lot of happy years left to give you love and companionship. I get along with other cats.
Hi, my name is Drake. I’m an almost 1 year old boy. I am an absolute sweetheart. I love to play, snuggle, chat, and give kitty massages. I love to chase and tackle my foster mom’s young playful cat. We have a blast together so would do very well with a young cat friend to play with. I’ve even been hanging out with a little dog, sometimes I give her
My name is Henry and I am a 15 year old male. My owner passed away and I am looking for another home. I am a very friendly guy who is good with other cats. I’m a real love bug and everyone has stepped up to get me into a rescue and not a shelter. Just like older adults who feel young and alive, so don’t I. I hope you
My name is Taz and I am a very friendly 3 year old male cat. I settle into my new surroundings very quickly. I am very affectionate and playful and love being with people. I don’t like dogs and am happy as an only or being with a female cat if you want me as a friend to someone. I’m happy to get all the love from you.
I’m Ommy, I’m a 6 year old female DSH black cat. I was a surrender so I was very scared and unsure of my new environment, but every day I’m becoming more comfortable and loving in my foster parents’ home. They were told that I was a lap cat, but I’m also a stomach cat! I’m very photogenic, being this good looking is hard work! I also make tons of
My name is Lily and I am just about one year old. I’m a short-haired cat, but I have a gorgeous long tail as well. I recently gave birth to three kittens, but I’m very laid back and adjust really well to many different surroundings. We found out that I can’t hear very well, but it doesn’t bother me and I act just like any other cat! I love to be pet
My name is LinkedIn and I am a very friendly 10 month old male. I love attention and being petted. I have fun looking at myself in the mirror. It fascinates me. Hard to get a photo of me because I am so friendly. I don’t like dogs and if I am with another cat it should be a well adjusted female. My foster mom says if I have a lot of
My name is Darla and I am a 3 year old female. I am a very friendly sweet and gentle lady. I get along with other cats but would probably be better as an only right now. I tend to let other cats push me aside and don’t really get to eat enough of the food that I should be eating. I am very affectionate and enjoy having all your
My Name is Henry and I am a 4 year old male cat. I am a very friendly guy who settles into his environments very quickly. I enjoy being in people’s company and having their attention. I’m a very friendly and social guy that will bring a lot of love and happiness into your life.
My name is Big Sam and I am a very handsome 3-year-old male cat. I nice lady would feed me when I would visit and she found that I had an owner. She thought that I didn’t have a home and took me to the vet and found out I was FIV positive but in great health otherwise. She also found my owners who were still going to let me
My name is Wednesday and I am a 6 year old calico. I am a fun feisty girl who will sometimes un-tie shoes as I love to play with shoe laces! I am also a bit like a dog in the sense that I like to play fetch. Quick movements can sometimes scare me so I need someone to know that I will need time to adjust to my new surroundings. I’m a typical
My name is Elvira and I am a 10-12 yr old female tortie. I am very sweet like a dog and will follow you around so I can get all the attention from you. I like belly pets. It’s best to feed me small amounts of food as I tend to eat rather quickly and will upset my stomach. I would allow pets all day long if you wanted. I
NEEDS A FRIEND. MUST HAVE ANOTHER CAT TO ADOPT. My name is Oreo and I am a very handsome 1 year old tuxedo male. I love attention and I love to play! I also like to be near my humans: I follow my foster mom around in the morning and I jump up on the sink to watch her get ready for the day. When she calls my name I
Hi! My name is Spencer, I’m a well-rounded and relaxed 5-year-old male cat. I’m a very lovable guy. I’m a big boy that still loves belly rubs and scratches behind the ears. I’m pretty laid back and would be great in a household that reflects my personality. Won’t you consider adopting me?
Hi I’m Meredith! I am 2 years old. My likes include catnip, mouse toys, and napping! I also REALLY love fluffy blankets and will make biscuits for you all day! I am a sweet girl who is a little shy. I am looking for an experienced adopter who understands it will take me sometime to come out of my shell.
My name is Jake and I’m a 4-year-old male cat. I was rescued from a tough life fending for myself on the street and was taken in by Kitty Connection that wanted to give me a chance at a better life. I tested positive for FIV but am healthy and have a long life ahead of me. I am still settling in with my foster family and being a bit
Hi im Gwenny! I am an 8 month old ragdoll. I am looking for a home where I have another furry friend to play with!
Hi I’m Ivan! I am a 8 week old tabby cat! I am looking for a home where I have another cat friend to play with! I can’t wait to find my forever home!
Hi I’m Willy! I am an 8 week old tuxedo cat. I am looking for a home where I have another cat friend to play with! I can’t wait to find my forever home!
I’m Cerci, I’m a 3-year-old female gray tabby. I was surrendered by my owner, and that home was all I knew, so I’m very scared and super shy. At my last home, I cuddled with my owner, so I know I can get there again when you earn my trust. Even though everything is strange and new, I haven’t bitten, scratched, or hissed. I eat well but prefer it in