
Hi, my name is Judy and I’m a 5 month old female. I’m a very friendly, outgoing kitten who seeks out lots of affection. I’m small but I’ve got a big personality. I’m here with my siblings Jessie and Josiah and I can’t wait to find my forever home!


My name is Maggie and I am a 1-2 year old female.  I’m a very distinguished cat.  I love to observe and check everything out.  I will sit in the strangest place to watch what you are doing and take everything in.  I’m a friendly, sweet and gentle soul who is looking for her forever home.


My name is Autumn and I am a beautiful 5 year old calico lady.  My owners moved away and left me behind to fend for myself.  Fortunately, a neighbor saw me and got me off the streets and to Kitty Connection to find a home that will never do this to me again.  I am a real friendly girl and still love people even after the people I loved and

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My name is Ruby and I am an 8 month old female.  I lost my home because the landlord said there were more cats than he wanted.  I am a friendly girl who enjoys being petted and having your attention.  When you first meet me, I am a little standoffish but once I am comfortable, I am a great companion and buddy who enjoys being in your company.  I get along

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DoDo is an 8 year old FIV+ male cat. He’s very friendly, a perfect shadow, and accepts head scritches not on your lap, thank you very much. He’s the grandpa who likes his morning coffee and supper on the dot, reluctantly gives you hugs but sneaks you your favorite candy when your parents aren’t looking.


My name is Lily and I am a 10 year old female cat.  I lost my home because my owner passed away.  I am a real sweet girl who enjoys being in the companionship of people.  I’m sad that I lost my home and my person, but with time and love, I will settle in and be a great companion in your life.  


Hi I’m Lena Mae, a 7 year old medium hair female. I do well with other cats and I’ll come up to you and ask for attention and pets (maybe even a cuddle). Otherwise, you can find me napping in my favorite spots. I’m a queen and like to choose when I get attention, so don’t pet me if I’m not in the mood. 

Chianti & Chardonnay

Hi, we’re Chianti and Chardonnay. We’re a 5 month old brother-sister duo who are looking for our forever home together.I, Chianti (calico), am a sweet and inquisitive little lady. I love to explore and play with ball/maze toys, but I’m not one to shy away from a wand toy! I also love to knead next to you and I’m always full of purrs.I, Chardonnay (black), am the ultimate love bug.

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Calie & Cleo

Our names are Calie and Cleo and we are beautiful 2 year old calico sisters.  We are very friendly girls who lost our homes because our owner passed away. We love to be held and brushed and loved.  We hope someone will give us a home together because we are really bonded with each other.  We don’t like car rides and carriers but will fit into any home quickly with a

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My name is Molly. I am a 6 year old female cat. I recently lost my home and I am pretty devastated. I am slowly warming up to my fosters. I enjoy sleeping with my fosters and playing with them! I need to go to a home where I am the only cat. I also need an experienced adopter who understands I am scared and shy and need extra love and

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Cary Grant

Cary Grant is an impish, cuddly little guy with loads of personality, around four months old, who needs a forever home. His coloring– all white except for a black tail and a little black on his head– is consistent with being a Turkish Van mix. Once shy, his foster mom says he now wants to be wherever she is– on her lap, in her handbag, you name it. He’s shown

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Fergie & Fiore

Our names are Fergie and Fiore. We are 4-5 month old bonded sibling sisters. We are very friendly and playful. We love to cuddle and be petted by our humans. We get along well with other cats and hope it won’t be long before we will find a forever home together.

Beatrice & Humphrey

I am Beatrice (calico) and this is my brother Humphrey (orange and white). We are two playful, sweet kittens. We are both a little shy at first (especially me, Beatrice), but we warm up quickly and we love humans, pets, and cuddles. I will purr like crazy if you give me some attention. Humphrey loves treats and food and will come running when it is meal time! 


Hi My name is Orchid. I am a 5 year old female cat. My foster parent describes me as a friendly sweet gentle girl. I love to be near you and will often be sitting right next to you! I am okay as an only or okay with other cats! I can’t wait to find my forever home! 


Hi I’m Mickey and I’m a 3 year old male. I’m a bit of a shy guy at first when meeting new people. As you can see I found a hidey hole and I’m quite content to curl up and nap. I am a bit of night owl and really come alive after dark. While I am shy I am very sweet and gentle. I’m looking for a home where

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Hi I’m Minnie. I came to my foster home with another cat and was initially very shy but not aggressive. I’ve slowly started to come out of my shell and have started to seek out head scratches and pets. I’m also showing signs of being playful and a little bit of a character. I get along with other cats but need a home where I can take my time to

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My name is Sweetie and I am a 4 year old female.  I’m a real friendly girl who enjoys being petted and loved. I’d be a great cat is an only or I could have another male friend in my life. I will make a great companion to anyone looking for a best friend.


Hi! I’m Dolly and I’m a very lovable and friendly 4 month old kitten! I have beautiful soft fur and love to be pet.I recently had my tail amputated, but I am fully recovered and doing just fine without it. My hobbies include: chasing my foster brother around the house, playing with all sorts of toys (I’m very active!), lounging by the window, and getting lots of pets. Oh, and eating. I

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Barbie & Harry

Our names are Bobby and Harry and we are two adorable 4-5 month old kittens.  We are very playful and energetic and we are always interested in what the other is doing. I’m bold, fearless, and curious while Humphrey is more laid-back and always looking for another meal. We want to be adopted together and are cat friendly and dog friendly.

Anna & Elsa

Our names are Anna and Elsa and we are 1 year old sisters. We are Siamese mixes and we are very beautiful cats with beautiful personalities to match. I, Anna, The gray tabby, settles in a lot quicker than my sister Elsa. I love to explore and that encourages her to do so as well. We are very lovable girls in as you can see I enjoy being held and

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My name is Rubin and I am a 13 year old FIV+ male cat.  I have had a hard life and am happy that Kitty Connection is helping me to find a forever home.  I have been bouncing from garage to house to garage and basements the majority of my young life.  I have been neglected, drenched from rainstorms and survived freezing snowy nights.  A nice lady saw me one night

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My name is Homer and I am a 4 year old declawed male. I’m a handsome guy who is a quiet natured guy. I love being petted. I lost my owner and am used to a quiet home setting. I have not been around children or other animals so I would be best as an only pet in the home. I would do best in a mature family home rather

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My name is Tank and I am a 7 year old male cat.  I was looking for food near a medical office and the staff befriended me.  They took me to the vet and I tested positive for FIV which isn’t anything big.  I only tested positive but can still have a long healthy life.  They were going to keep me as an office cat but as you can see

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Onxy & Ebony

There is only one thing cuter than a little black kitten, two little black kittens!! We are Ebony and Onxy.  We are both super friendly 4 month old female kittens. We love to play, purr, and be showered with attention.  If you are looking for a pair of adorable kitties we may be the perfect duo!


Hi i’m Luna! I am a beautiful and friendly 12 year old female cat.  It can take me a little time to warm up to someone, but once I do I enjoy getting affection from my human via petting! I am more than happy to sit next to you and have you pet me over and over!  Although a lap might not be my favorite spot to sit, I like

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My name is Charlie and I am a 1.5 year old male cat. A nice lady was taking care of me on the street and realized I didn’t have a home. She contacted Kitty Connection to help me and I am now ready for a forever home we are someone will keep me indoors and love me forever. Besides being very handsome I am a very friendly guy. I get

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My name is Pierre and I am a five-month-old male kitten. I am very friendly and playful. I definitely need another cat friend because I love interacting and playing with other cats. I’m a real sweetheart and will bring a lot of love and fun into your life.


Hello, my name is Pheonix. I am a very handsome 5-month-old kitten. I am on the shy side, so looking for that perfect family that will have lots of time for me as well as patience and understanding since I will need a little time to adjust to my new home.  My foster family thinks I will do best in a home on the quiet side. That being said, I

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My name is Lucky and I am a 13-year-old female.  My owner passed away and left me and my sister Bandit and another housemate without a home.  I am a very friendly and well-adjusted girl.  I am a real love bug and love being with you.  I will follow you around for love and attention.  I either need to be with someone who is home more than not or be

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My name is LouLou and I am a two-year-old female. I am petite and very kitten-like! My favorite things are hanging out with my foster family, playing chase with my mice toys, and being picked up. Sometimes I will even let you hold me like a baby. Who can resist my cute face and those long white whiskers? I’m a real sweetheart. I am a bit lonely for a feline friend

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My name is Abby and I am a four-month-old female. I am extremely friendly and affectionate. I love being held in your arms and sitting on your lap. I am also very playful and love to have lots of choices to run around with and another cat friend to play with.


Hi! I’m Brooklyn and I’m a beautiful 2-year-old girl who loves to play and be petted. I’m curious and will follow you around the house sometimes and rub against you. I would do well with another cat if properly introduced and given time to feel comfortable. I need some TLC to recover from being on the streets, but after a few months and a few pounds gained, I will be

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Remi & Marcel

Our names are Remi and Marcel and we are 5 month old brothers.  We are very handsome and playful and typical kittens exploring and getting into everything. We are very playful enjoy each other’s company to the degree that we really want to be adopted together. Marcel can be intimidated by some things and I, Remi, give him the confidence he needs.


My name is Nala and I am a 2-3-year-old female. I tested positive for FIV, but I am a very healthy girl with no symptoms and can live a long healthy life. I am a very friendly girl who gets along well with other cats and dogs. I will bring a lot of love and happiness into your life. If you are looking for a great companion, I am the one for

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My name is Willow aka Stubs. I am a 4 year old FIV+ male but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a long life ahead of me! Some very nice people rescued me from the streets as they saw I was friendly and limping and knew I needed help. I was abused with a BB gun at one point in my life and that is why I limp. I have

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Hi I’m Tigerlily. I am a beautiful 16 year old female. My owner recently passed away suddenly. I am very sad to lose my companion. I am a sweet affectionate girl once I get to know you. I am hoping to find a forever home where I can give and receive lots of affection!


Hi, my name is Julep!  I am a beautiful 1 year old little girl.  I am an absolute sweetheart who loves exploring and being showered with attention.  I am chatty and cuddly.  With a proper introduction, I like other cats too!


My name is lucky and I am a 13-year-old female cat. My owner passed away and I’m looking for a forever home. I am extremely friendly well-adjusted and get along with other cats and would do well with dogs.


Hi, My name is Jalapeño and I’m a friendly 1-year-old girl looking for an adopter who is experienced with cats; someone who knows how to read my body language. I am a sweet girl who has a spicy side, like a Jalapeno.  I need to feel safe in my environment and need to be given the time and space to adjust to my home.  I’d prefer a quiet home, with no kids. 

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My name is Princess and I am a 1 year old female cat. I am nervous when you first meet me but once I get settled I am extremely friendly and lovable. If introduced the right way I could get along with other cats but I’d be very content being an only as well.


My name is Muffin and I am a 5 year old female. I am a friendly girl who enjoys having your attention. I love to need when I am feeling safe and happy. I hope it won’t be long before I have a forever home. I would be happy as an only cat and being mature I would do well in a home if you were out and working full-time.


My name is Andy and I am a very handsome all black 3 year old male. Everyone says I am sleek like a panther. I’m A friendly guy who wants to be an only pet.  I would do best with a experienced cat owner.


My name is Danni and I am a 5 year old female. I am a real sweet and friendly girl. I was picked up in a trap-neuter-return program and released back into the colony even though I was friendly.  A nice lady feeding me, scooped me up and asked Kitty Connection if they could help me find a home.  It’s been a scary ordeal but each day I have been

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