
Hello, I am Suki! I am a sweet and slinky little 10 month old calico girl. As soon as I am in my forever home we will be besties, I am so friendly. I will curl and purr and make biscuits.  I can be happy with friendly cats and dogs, or in a home as the only pet. I am a social kitty and like to have company most of

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Millie and Moxie

Greetings, cat peeps! We are Millie and Moxie, 6 month-old sisters. I, Millie, the black kitty with beautiful golden eyes, am very friendly and love to play with wand toys and balls. I get so excited that I chirp! I also love to snuggle up with foster family members, keeping them company while they work or game on their laptops. (I even figured out how to screenshot on Stardew Valley!)

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Onyx and Opal

Don’t we look adorable!  We are 11-week-old love bugs Onyx and Opal. We started out rough when our mom died the day after we were born, but Kitty Connection has been the best mom to us. We are healthy and happy and ready for our forever family. We love playing with each other batting our toys across the floor and catching the ends of the wand toys. We also love

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My name is Tuck and I am a very handsome 1.5 yr old male.  I was roaming about when a nice couple realized that I didn’t have a home and no one was looking for me. They contacted Kitty Connection to find me a forever home. I am a very friendly and lovable guy once I get settled. I get along with other cats and don’t seem to be bothered

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Hi my name is Dandi. I’m a sweet 2-year-old girl who loves snuggling and getting pets. I have two different color eyes which adds to my unique charm. I am deaf but that doesn’t stop me from living my best life! Plus I have no idea how loud I can meow which apparently can be pretty loud and makes my foster mom laugh. I enjoy sitting looking out the window

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Hi my name is Tommy! I am four months old! I love to play with my foster siblings all the time, and I am very chatty as well. I’m still shy around people but it will take some time for me to adjust in my forever home. I will need a lot of TLC and patience from my future family! I do need to be in a home with another

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My name is Theo, and I am a male cat, between six months and 1 year old. My owner dumped me and other housemates outside because they could not keep us. I’m a really sweet guy who is doing well considering how terrified I was. After 48 hours with my foster folks, I turned on the purr machine and went from lap to lap looking for anyone who would rub

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Kit and Puma

Hi! We’re Kit and Puma and we’re sweet and social youthful brown tabbies and both of us are polydactyl! No, that doesn’t mean we’re part dinosaur, but that we have an extra toe on our front paws. It’s an interesting genetic anomaly that has no impact on our lives or health, but just makes us extra unique. We’d like to be adopted together and think we’d be great in many

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Hello! My name is Otis, I am a 5.8 year old male cat. Sadly my owner passed away and their family is helping me find a forever home. I am a big boy, weighing in at 17.3 lb which means I have that much more love to give you 🙂 I am a sweet boy who longs for love and attention. When the time is right I like to take

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My name is Rocco and I am a handsome one-year-old male cat.  The landlord said we had to go, and our owner just started putting us out in the street.  A nice lady saw me and a couple of the cats and started feeding us. She realized we were very friendly and reached out to Kitty Connection to get us help. I’m good with other dogs and I don’t seem bothered

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Hi, my name is Saucy! I’m a shy 5-month-old male, but the resident cats have been showing me the ropes and I’m slowly growing my confidence. You might find me sleeping in a closet during the day but tearing up the house at night chasing the other cats. I still hiss sometimes and will miss my foster cat family, and the dog who lets me share her dinner, so I

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Rascal & Sailor (Courtesy Post)

What we have here is a sort of odd, bonded pair between a kitten and an adult.  Rascal, three-four months old, is as cute a kitten as anyone could ever hope for.  Five-year-old Sailor was a shy orange boy who came out of a hoarding situation where he did not receive much human attention, and reclusively hid in his foster home until Rascal, an affectionate little grey kitten about two-three

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Gracie (Courtesy Post)

Like most cats, she would do best in a home in which she won’t be left unaccompanied for long.  Gracie is a sedate cat who enjoys petting and will sometimes sit on a nearby lap. Neither Gracie nor her sister are particularly active. They apparently would rather lounge than play, so they would not be right for an active household.  Given what she has been through, she is understandably shy

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Sephora (Courtesy Post)

Sephora is a sweet brown-tabby girl, about a year old, who needs a home.  She was rescued off the street as a frightened, abandoned stray with her kittens.  Her babies have been adopted, and now it’s her turn.  Sephora very much enjoys being pet and is a lap cat, but, sadly, the fact that she reacts fearfully to certain sudden movements suggests that she may have been abused at some

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Bogart & Bacall (Courtesy Post)

Bogart and Bacall are a cute, bonded pair of brother kittens, about six to seven months old, who need a home.  These adorable little bundles of energy are imps who enjoy playing and curling up with each other, and will go from playfully wrestling with each other to grooming each other within seconds.  We think they would do well with children who are mature enough to treat cats respectfully– kittens

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My name is Cody and I am a very handsome three-year-old Shih Tzu/Yorky mix male. I am a super friendly guy. My owner was in a bad accident and no longer able to take care of me. I lived with another dog and a cat. I love having another playmate. I am a super friendly and affectionate guy and can’t wait to have my forever home!


My name is King and I am a four-year-old male. I’m a very handsome guy. I am super friendly and enjoy being with people and having your attention. Sadly, my owner was in a bad accident, and I need to be rehomed along with two small dogs that I live with.  I have a great personality and would do well with all age groups.


Meow there! I’m Sophie, a gorgeous 10-month-old feline looking for my forever home. My luxurious long fur is as soft as a cloud and perfect for petting. I may be young, but I’ve got a big personality. My favorite hobbies? I’m an avid bird watcher – give me a window perch and I’ll keep you entertained for hours with my chirps and tail swishes. When I’m not on bird patrol,

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Hi, my name is Finley and I’m a very affectionate 5-year-old short-haired kitty. I’m a very handsome Turkish Van mix. I love giving kisses and snuggling up next to you. I’ll pat your arm if I want more attention or curl up next to you. I’m also a fantastic work from home buddy and will happily hang out with you while you work. I would also be okay if you

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I’m Jazz, a 2-year-old tuxedo girl. I am very sweet and friendly though I like my space sometimes. I love to sit and hang around people and am brave in social settings. I love to play with catnip toys on my own but my foster parents are yet to discover if I like playing with people. Everyone remarks how tiny I am (I look like a kitten!) and how cute my white

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I’m Maze, a 6-month-old white and brown tabby girl. I am very sweet and friendly and love to cuddle, though I can take some time to come out of my shell and can be a bit skittish with new people or scary noises. I am very playful and energetic so I will need a home where I have space to run and someone to play with, though I am not needy and

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HI I’M KONGA AND I WANT TO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND! I’m a one-year old female buff tabby who needs to be adopted into a home with another active and friendly feline. My foster mom says I am a bit excitable, busy and ready to be the life of the party. I love to snuggle and give kisses and play with a wand toy or those tiny mice toys are pretty

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MUST HAVE ANOTHER PLAYFUL CAT IN THE HOME Hi! I’m Timmy! Or as my foster parents like to call me Tiny Tim! I am an 18 week old male kitten. I was born outside, and my foster parents are teaching me that humans aren’t so bad! Every day I shed more and more of my shyness and begin to trust more and more.  My foster parents have other cats in

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Chai (Courtesy Post)

One-year-old Chai is a friendly, playful, golden-eyed little lady who lost her home when the people who meant the world to her decided they didn’t have time for her anymore.  She was heartbroken when she entered her foster home, but the patience of her foster parents helped her warm, loving nature emerge.  She has shown herself to be a little bundle of sweetness who loves to play with her fosters

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Leroy (Courtesy Post)

Leroy is a handsome tuxedo boy approximately 11 years old who is about to lose his home when the person he belongs to enters senior housing. As if this were not heartbreaking enough for him, he went through this once before about four years ago.   Leroy is an affectionate boy who will keep you company while you’re watching TV or on the computer.  We have not observed him with kids,

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I’m Tux, a one-year-old male cat. I may well be the friendliest cat you’ve ever met! I will rub against you and show you my belly as a way of saying “nice to meet you!” I have a ton of energy — TONS!  I love playing with toys and lasers and, most importantly, my people. I’m an extrovert! The more people and action the happier I am. I also like

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Hi! I am Pierre, and I am a sweet one-year-old boy who loves attention. Don’t let my fancy name mislead you — I don’t need any special toys because I am most happy when I am with my humans. If my humans are home most of the time, I would be okay without a feline friend. However, if my humans have to be away from the house for work, I

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Hi, I’m Goliath!  My foster mom calls me Golly for short.  I’m a 2-3 year old male cat.  As you can guess from my name, I’m a pretty big boy.  I have big paws and an equally big heart!  I’m a mellow, gentle and peaceful being.  I can be a little timid at times while I settle into my home, so a quieter home will make me most comfortable as

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Surprise! At her spay appointment it was discovered Sissy had ! He is now known as Steve! This 12-week-old talkative and adventurous boy is absolutely ready for a forever home. Preferably with another kitty he can play with. He follows his foster brother around who is showing him the ropes.


I’m Queenie, a petite 2-year-old girl who’s always looking for some head scratches so I can start up my motorboat of a purr. I might even show you my belly as a reward for the scratches. I’m shy until I know you, but very gentle while we get to know each other. If you pick me up I’ll happily snuggle in for some love. I like treats and a sunny

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Hi! I’m Magic – the sweetest, spunkiest little girl. I am a two-year-old female cat. I was shy and cautious at first. I had just lost my home and this was a difficult transition for me. After some time, I realized my foster mom was my friend! She gave me the TLC I needed that I didn’t get in my previous home.  Now I can’t get enough snuggles and pets!

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Hi, my name is Arlie and I’m a baby at only 6 months old. I’m curious about everything, fearless and also a chicken (which results in much playfulness followed by scampering away). I’m more likely to attack your feet than snuggle at night because I’m a ferocious tiger, but I never use my claws because I’m a good boy really. I love to climb and to fit myself into tiny

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Calling my new forever home, wherever you are! I am Chester, a nine-month-old boy. I am friendly, sweet and cuddly. I am good with gentle cats and dogs. My special feature is my extra thumbs. I look as though I am wearing very cozy Vermont mittens. I do not believe I should spend much time alone and will call out “meowl!” to remind you that we should be together. I

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Hi!  Roland here! I am a 5-month-old, purry, furry, ball of fun. Sadly, I lost my eye before coming to Kitty Connection, but I don’t let that or anything hold me back. I love head-to-tail pets and currently prefer someone sitting on the floor just petting me over my breakfast…at least initially. (I love affection & love!)  Because I am a young, playful guy (I think balls and wand toys are great!), my foster mom says

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I’m Bandit! A friendly and playful one-eyed two-year-old male DSH cat. My owner passed away shortly after adopting me through Kitty Connection, so I am back in their care looking for a new home. While I can keep myself preoccupied playing with toy mice and birds, I’d love to be in a home with another playful cat. I love the two feline friends I’ve made in foster care, but they’re

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I am Jamie, and I am a friendly 11-month old female with beautiful coloring! I recently learned how to use my voice and enjoy showing off my new skill! I take a little while to settle in, but when I do, I’ll be your shadow. I love to cuddle at night and enjoy human attention, though I don’t love to be held. I am very playful, love to chase a laser, and use my scratching post often. I

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Dappi and Danni

Our names are Dappi (Brown tabby)  and Danni (orange tabby) and we are super friendly five month old brothers. Our owner had no intentions of giving us up, but the landlord said there were no pets allowed in the apartment. So this is a mug shot that was sent out, requesting someone to help us and take us in .  Fortunately kitty connection stepped up to the plate. We definitely

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My name is winky and I am a five-year-old female. I was a stray outside that somebody started feeding when they saw how bad my eye looked.  They set a trap to get me, and everyone realized I was a friendly lady with no home.  I went to the vet and got put on antibiotic since my eye was so infected. I am missing my eye completely so it will

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My name is Quill and I’m a four month old male. My mom and I befriended a nice lady who started taking care of us.  I didn’t seem to belong to anyone and she was able to scoop me up and bring me to Kitty Connection. I was brought to the vet and am in great health and now looking for my forever home. It’s a little scary without my

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Hi, my name is Elsa and I’m a sweet nine year old girl. Unfortunately, my family lost their home and I am now looking for a new family to adore me. I have a very unique coat (a beautiful tortoiseshell tabby), big eyes, and the cutest round cheeks. I am a very sweet and affectionate girl, though I can be a bit shy and slow to open up. I like

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Salutations. My name is Zeus. I’m a 3-year-old FIV+ male cat with striking green eyes looking for a purrfect furever home. My foster mom says that I’m a kitten and a puppy wrapped up in an adult cat’s body because I’m so curious and playful. I always greet my foster mom at the front door when she returns home. I like to follow my foster mom around the house as she

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My name is Tabatha and I am a 1 year old female cat.  I was brought to kitty Connection after five of my kittens that were just born were found outside. Everyone thought there could be a problem and them not be my kittens since I would not take care of them but it’s possible I knew that they weren’t going to make it as nature has a way of

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My name is Pip and I’m a 10 year old male Chocolate Point Siamese.  I used to be best friends with the other cat in my house, but for some reason things went sour and now we really don’t get along.  Mommy has tried everything, and is very sad that we’re fighting and hurting each other.  I have to stay in a separate room, which is really a bummer because I

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HI I’M KONGA AND I WANT TO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND! I’m a 9 month old female buff tabby who would do best with another young and active kitty friend so will need to be adopted into a home with another friendly and fun kitty. My foster mom says I am a bit excitable and busy, but really I’m just ready to be the life of the party. I love

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Queso & Mango

Hi, my name is Queso, I’m a 1 ½ year old grey and white short haired male. My brother Mango and I lost our home when our family was evicted. I am hoping to be adopted with him. As you can see, I am a very handsome man. And, wait for it, I’m a lap cat! At first my foster family didn’t know. After about a week I was jumping on

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My name is Asher and I am a very handsome one-year-old all white male. I was losing my home and took me a couple of days to get settled. Once I felt comfortable it was great being petted and enjoying peoples company. I get along with other cats and love playing and checking things out. I hope it won’t be long before I have my forever home.


Hi, my name is Lappy and I am a handsome, two year old boy who just loves to snuggle. On my very first night at my foster home, I came up for pets and then nestled at my foster mom’s feet all night. I am super chill and would make an excellent lap cat – I just want to give and receive a whole lotta love.


My name is timber and I am a very handsome one-year-old male cat. I’m super friendly guy and I settle into my surroundings pretty quickly I’m a very playful guy and get along with other cats.


My name is Chino and I’m just about one years old. I’m a sweet guy who is in very happy about losing his home. I enjoy being petted and I get along with other cats. I should have another playmate in my life. I hope my next home will be my forever home.