
Hi my name is Jade and I’m almost 1 years old. I’m very curious and like to explore high to reach places. I might seem shy at first but soon will be sitting on your lap for hours to cuddle. My previous owner passed away and I’m feeling a bit sad. I hope to find a new home soon! I like other friendly cats and I’m good with kids. 

Cara & Loki

We are Cara and Loki, two 5 month old bother and sister. We were very sick, but Kitty Connection took care of us and now we are happy, healthy, and looking forward to our forever home. We need a home together as we are best friends that are inseparable. We may be a little shy at first, but we love to play and purr in your lap when petted. We

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My name is Bear and I’m a 17 year old black bobtail male.  My owner passed away and sadly there was no family to take me.  I am an extremely friendly and well adjusted guy.  I seem to be fine with other cats.  It’s hard to get a photo of me because I am so in your face friendly.  I love being with you and having your attention.  If you

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My name is Lobo and I am an 8 year old male.  My owner could no longer keep me. I had a hard time adjusting and excepting the loss of my home. My foster mom was very patient and encouraging to me. I now follow her around like a dog and love sitting with her being petted and loved. I get along with other cats I need to be in

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My name is Poncho and I’m a 5 year old male.  My owner passed away leaving me and other housemates homeless.  They all found homes but it was harder for me to adjust to the change and loss so I am still hoping for a forever home.  I am FIV+ but am very healthy and have a long healthy life ahead of me.  Once I start to feel comfortable, I

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My name is Mystique and I am a 4-5 month old female kitten.  I’m a friendly little girl who loves to play and gets along with other cats. I would not do good with little toddlers as sudden noises make nervous. Young children would be fine and I definitely need another friendly cat as a playmate.


My name is Boo and I’m a very friendly 6 year old female cat who loves to be petted and brushed. I enjoy looking out the window and watching bird videos. One of my goals in the New Year will be to lose some weight then I will be able to take better care of myself. The vet had to trim some of my fur but it will grow back. I miss my

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My name is Jujubee and I am a 10 year old FIV+ male cat.  I’ve had a hard life after loosing my home.  I’ve been getting back on my feet but not fast enough for the system.  Kitty Connection stepped up to help me with medical care and find me a forever home.  I am very friendly and well adjusted.  I settle in pretty quickly and enjoy being where you

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My name is Queen and I am a four year old male. I am a very friendly boy who enjoys being petted and having your attention. As you can see, I have an eye injury that was never cared for. I am having my eye removed but will still look as beautiful as ever! Santa please find me a home for Christmas where I will be loved and cared for

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Bicardi & Penelope

Our names are Bicardi (bobtail) and Penelope (have a tail).  We are 3 month old sisters looking for a home together if possible.  We are to very lively and playful girls.  Like babies we enjoy being picked up and loved but are anxious to get back to playing.  Our mother Stella who is a one year old tabby bobtail is also up for adoption if you are open to a family

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My name is Luke and I’m a 1.5 year old male.  My owners surrendered me because myself and the females in the home were not fixed.  I’m all fixed now and ready for my home.  I am very friendly and love being in the same room that everyone is in.  I will sleep next to you in bed or on the couch.  I am extremely good-natured and would do good with

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My name is Gigi and I am a beautiful blue gray 8 year old female.  My owner passed away and left me and several housemates homeless. I’m a friendly girl who enjoys having your attention and love. I hope Santa find me a forever home for Christmas.


My name is Midnight and I am a 5 year old female. My owner passed away leaving me and several other housemates homeless. I have been very scared from the ordeal.  I need someone that understands how hard it is to lose everything and have to settle in to new surroundings so quickly.  My foster mom says that I am progressing very nicely considering all that I have been through.

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My name is Daisy and I am an eight year old female. My owner passed away leaving me and a few other housemates homeless. I’m a friendly girl and settling in from this terrible ordeal. I enjoy being petted and loved and hope and it will give us a forever home for Christmas.


My name is Dunder and I am an 8 year old female.  My owner passed away leaving me and some of my housemates homeless. It has been a very scary ordeal but I’m starting to settle in and adjust.  I need a home where someone will be patient and understanding of what I’m going through and give me the chance to settle in. I’m a real sweet girl who enjoys

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My name is Dunlop and I am an 8 year old male. My owner passed away leaving me and my housemates homeless. It has been a terrible ordeal on all of us.  I’m a friendly guy although my photo makes me look a little grumpy but that’s not my personality at all. I’m a real sweet guy who enjoys being petted and loved. Santa please find us homes for Christmas.

Eminem & Jedi

Our names are Jedi (white with tabby) and Eminem (brown tabby).  We are 6 month old brothers looking for a forever home together.  I, Jedi, am the more outgoing one.  I am affectionate and playful.  I love to snuggle and what your every move.  Eminem, my best buddy, is a little more laid back.  He is a gentle soul who likes to nap out of sight but when he is ready

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My name is Pooh and I’m a 9 year old female.  I am extremely friendly and affectionate. My owner passed away leaving me and other housemates homeless.  I hope that we can find forever homes and I hope people won’t think that I am too old to bring years of love to your life.  I’m hoping Santa gets my wish for a forever home for Christmas.


My name is Frankie and I am a 6 year old male cat.  My owner passed away and left me and other housemates homeless.  We are very sad and scared and hoping that we will find homes soon.  I am a very friendly guy that could get adopted with a housemate or alone if you can only have one cat.  Obviously, I get along with other cats, so I would

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My name is Lucky and I am an 8 year old male cat.  My owner passed away.  I was left homeless along with other housemates ranging from 5 to 14.  I am a real friendly guy and of course I get along with other cats.  Maybe you are looking for two cats and can adopt me with one of my housemates.  I’m a real lovable guy and will be a

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My name is Rooney and I am a very handsome 5 year old male.  My owners were moving and were not able to take me with them.  I have been very sad and depressed about losing my home.  I am a real sweet guy who loves your attention and being loved.  I will fill your home with lots of love and hope my new owner will love me forever.  All

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T Boy

My name is T Boy and I’m a 14 year old male cat. My owner passed away and I was left alone with a few other older and middle aged cats. My chance along with my older housemates chance at finding a home is pretty slim. I do need a dental, but Kitty Connection will get that done. Maybe me with one of the younger cats that lived with me

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