My name is Kooka and I’m a friendly 8 year old female Balinese.
Adopted animals.
My name is Kooka and I’m a friendly 8 year old female Balinese.
My name is Cuddles and I’m a 1-2 year old male tabby.
My name is Tipsy and I am a friendly 1 year old female.
My name is Gracie girl and I am in 8 month old female. I am very friendly and lovable. I get along with other cats. Some of my housemates are also up for adoption. I hope it won’t be long before I have a forever home.
My name is Shelbie and I am an 8 month old female. I am a very pretty Siamese mix. I am very friendly and get along with other cats. I definitely need another friend in my life. There are also other housemates up for adoption if you are looking for two cats.
My name is Tigger and I am up for adoption with my housemate Luna. I am a very friendly 4 year old female. My owner could no longer take care of us so she had to give us up. I enjoy being petted and loved. I hope it won’t be long before we both find a forever home.
My name is Cuteness and I am a 6 month old coon mix female. I am very friendly and lovable. I love to play and get along with other cats. I am up for adoption with other housemates.
My name is Shaggy. I’m a strong, healthy, friendly 5 month old kitty! You wouldn’t believe it by looking at me, but I was found after someone tied me up suffocating in a plastic bag and was very sick. I had some issues with balance and my eyes were so badly infected. They were afraid I wasn’t going to make it, but now I’m all better! Despite how badly people
My name is Ignazia, a 12 week old kitten. I’m a sweet little girl who was found on the streets. I’m a little shy at first, but I love being pet in your lap and letting out some loud purs. Just be patient with me. I love playing with my toys, and I’m very well behaved. I get along with other cats that are nice to me, but get scared
My name is Mama Kitty and I am a 2 year old female. All of my kittens have been adopted and now I am looking for my forever home. I am a very friendly girl and get along with other cats. I have a lot of love to give my forever family.
Our names are Carmel (male) and Batty (female) and we are 10 week old siblings. We are friendly and playful. We are bonded and want to bring a lot of love to your family.
My name is Mami and I am a 4 year old female. I am a very friendly, sweet and gentle girl. I was abandoned to fend for myself outside. When someone found me I was so flea bitten. I’m doing really well and happy now that I am safe inside. I need a family that will appreciate the sweet girl that I am and will let me be a great companion
My name is Buster and I am an 8 year old male cat. My owners didn’t have time for me so they brought me to the vet to have me put down. The vet did not want to put me down so now I’m trying to find someone who will give me a second chance at life. I am FIV positive but I still have a lot of great years
My name is Star and I am a very friendly 2 year old female. I am quite the character who enjoys being with you as you can see. I will just show up in the funniest places. I love being petted and having your attention. I get along well with other cats.
My name is Tip and I am a very friendly 2-3 year old male cat. I love people, other cats and dogs. I have a great personality that will make you laugh and feel like you have a best friend by your side.
My name is Shelby and I am an 8 month old female Siamese mix. I am a very beautiful girl with a very beautiful personality. I am up for adoption with my other siblings. I need a home with another friendly cat.
My name is Gigi and I am a 5 month old female kitten. I am very friendly and playful. My foster mom is not great at taking photos because I’m a lot prettier than this photo. I get along with other cats and would be happy with another playmate in my life and a family to love me forever.
My name is Binx and I am an 8-10 week old male kitten. I am extremely friendly and lovable. When I was found I was having a problem walking. It looks like I have some neurological damage that will make my walking a little different but it isn’t stopping me from being a fun loving playful kitten.
My name is Blanca and I am an 8 week old female kitten. I was the runt of the litter and very very tiny. I need to get bigger before I can be spayed. I had my exam and am ready to go to a forever home with another playmate. I am extremely friendly and affectionate. I love being held in your arms and will run after you for you
Our names are Mama Gray, Baby Gray and Jimmy. Sadly, our owner passed away and we had no one to take us except a local shelter. A neighbor felt bad and contacted Kitty Connection to help us. We obviously get along with other cats but know that no one is going to adopt all three of us. Baby Gray (10 year old male), and I, Mama Gray (11 year old
Our names are Blackjack and Vegas and we are 10 yr old brothers. We are bonded and would love to stay together. We make a great time because Vegas is a morning person and loves a lot of attention in the am, while I Blackjack am a night guy and love to get attention at night. I’m a shy compared to Vegas but we both make a great team and
Our names are Felicity (F black and white) and Fabian (M brn tabby) and we are s seven month old brother and sister duo! We are bonded and want to be adopted together. We love to snuggle and sleep together and often clean each others faces. My brother Fabian, enjoys whatching TV often and cuddling on someone’s lap. I’m just lovable and adorable and we both love purring and being
Our names are Falcon M all black) and Franklin (M black with a white patch on his chest) and we are 7 month old brothers. We are incredibly friendly. We love to play and wrestle with each other and chase each other around the house, and we love climbing onto your lap/chest/work space to be pet and fall asleep. We are very curious and like to explore open doors, paper
Our names are Hope and Sweet Pea and we are 10 year old siblings. We are very bonded to each other as you can see. Sadly, our owner is very sick and can no longer take care of us, so we are in need of a new home. We are friendly, sweet and gentle girls. We are used to a quiet home with no small children. We were great companions to our dad for
My name is Maybell and I am a 4-6 month old female kitten. I got very sick as a kitten and developed severely infected eyes that would not get better. Eventually it became clear that I was going to lose both of my eyes. My surgery is behind me and I’m happy to be alive and healthy and ready for a new home. I’m such a baby that it is
We are Calypso & Calliope and we are 10 week old female siblings.
Our names are Gingerbread (female) & Leroy (male) and we are 1 year old siblings.
Our names are Taylor and Tyler and we are 4-5 month old brother and sister. We are friendly, sweet and lovable and can’t wait to have our forever home.
Our names are Heidi (female) and Hercules (male). We are 11 week old siblings.
My name is Boopsie. I’m a friendly 11 year old female.
My name is Gerry and I’m a 2 year old female caliby.
Our names are Jameson (male brown tabby) and Electra (black and white female) and we are 5 month old siblings who love each other very much. We are friendly and sweet but may need some TLC to settle into our surroundings.
My name is Tiger Shark and I am a 13 year old male cat. My owner passed away and I am looking for a forever home. I’m a friendly, gentle and sweet guy. I am comfortable with other cats and love people. I’m in good health and have a lot of good years to fill you life with love and friendship.
My name is Piper. I’m a 6 month old black and white female kitten.
My name is Kimba and I am a six-year-old female calico. I was surrendered with my housemate Logan. I am friendly and very sweet. It takes me a little time to adjust to change but once I get settled I will bring a lot of love to your life. I can be adopted as a single pet or with Logan who I was surrendered with me.
My name is Logan and I am a six-year-old male. I am extremely friendly and lovable. I settle into my new surroundings pretty quickly. Everybody thinks I act more like a dog than a cat. I weigh over 25 pounds so I definitely need to be on a diet. I live with other cats so I do well with other cats or if you are looking for two cats I
Our names are Wendy and Butters and we are 5 month old siblings. We are very friendly and lovable. We love to play and as you can see we are very bonded and want to be adopted together.
Our names are Lilie and Neko and we are 5-6 month old siblings. I, Lilie, am very friendly while my brother, Neko, is a little shy and needs some time to adjust to change. We love playing together and love each other and want to be adopted together.
My name is Laurel and I am a 2 yr old female. I’m a very pretty tortie who is friendly and lovable and waiting for a family to love me forever.
Our names are Chachi and Joanie and we are 5 to 6 month old siblings. We are very friendly and love playing with each other. We are very boned and want to be adopted together. We will bring a lot of fun and love into your life.
Our names are Katie and Gulliver and We are 5 month old siblings. We are very friendly and lovable. We are very bonded and want to be adopted together.
My name is Tammy and I am a 5 month old female. I am very friendly and playful. I’m a very confident and independent girl. I am looking forward to be loved by a family forever.
My name is Lulu and I am a very sweet 5 month old female kitten. I’ve been through a lot being bounced around. I have a low I to II heart murmur but they think it is from all my stress and could go away. I need a little time to get settled into my new home. I am a real friendly girl who loves to sit on your lap and
My name is Butterscotch. I’m a friendly 6-8 year old male.
My name is King and I’m a very friendly 5 year old male. I lived with a small dog and hope I find a forever home soon.
Starbeam is an 8 y/o Siamese sweetheart. Despite being timid and anxious, she is extremely loving and gentle and will make an adopting family exceptionally fulfilled and loved. She’s enjoyed her cardboard box with blankets I made for her with inside and absolutely loves anything soft like fluffy robes or blankets. While Starbeam enjoys to spend a lot of her time snoozing or being alone, she will let you know when she’s interested in being
My name is Lola and I am a very friendly and sweet 8 yr old girl. I am good with other cats and would do well as an only. I love being petted and having your attention.
My name is Bluebell and I am a 7 yr old female. My owner passed away and I’m trying to adjust to losing my home. I am a friendly girl but I need time and space to feel comfortable in my new surroundings. I feel more comfortable coming to you than you coming on strong to me. I do best in a quieter home with no children. I used to love
My name is Ronan and I am a handsome 5 yr old male cat. I’m a real friendly guy who will bring a lot of love into your life.
Our names are Spinach and Salsa. We are 6 month old male siblings.