
My name is Oona and I am an eight week old kitten. My mom and I were found under a tree trunk, I was only two weeks old. My mom was a love bug and I am an absolute love bug just like her! I’m a very beautiful kitten with exotic markings that make me a Callabee. I am a typical kitten who loves to play but I’m also very

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My name is Sim and I am a six-year-old male cat. I am very friendly and lovable, and I get along with other cats. I lost my home because my owner was a evicted, and now I’m hoping you’ll give me a new one. If you’d like to meet me, email my foster mom at spooky1354@comcast.net.

Ozzy & Sophia

Our names are Ozzy and Sophia. We are 2 two-year-old cats whose owner became sick and could no longer care for us. We are a bonded pair and really want to stay together. We are very friendly and will bring a lot of love and affection to your family. If you’d like to meet us, email our foster mom at spooky1354@comcast.net.


My name is Clay and I am a very sweet five-year-old male cat. My owner was evicted so that means I lost my home too. I hope I have a place to have Thanksgiving dinner this year. If you’d like to meet me, email my foster mom at spooky1354@comcast.net.


My name is Sylvester and I am a very friendly and handsome three-year-old black and white cat. My owner passed away so I am looking for a forever home. If you’d like to meet me, email my foster mom at spooky1354@comcast.net.


My name is Ophelia, a beautiful one year old female cat. I was rescued, along with my kittens by a nice lady. We were living inside of a tree trunk! Fortunately, my babies were very young and I was a friendly cat. I was probably  dumped outside but now I’m safe and looking for a forever home. I’m very gentle and sweet, and would make a wonderful companion in any

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My name is Twinkle and I am a 1-2 year old sweetheart. I am extremely playful and run all around chasing cat toys and other cats. I need a home where I have another (very) active cat (or, perhaps, an active friendly dog?). Really, I am that busy in my foster mom’s home. If you are interested in meeting me, please contact her, Dana, by emailing: danawolkiewicz@gmail.com


My name is Panther and I am a 7-8 month old female kitten. I am sweet and friendly, and I love being held and cuddled. It is not known if I like other cats so I may want to be an “only” cat in you home. My fur is all black, sleek and shiny…I certainly live up to my name…I do look like a tiny panther! If you are interested

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I am Mister… a very playful little boy. My owner could not take care of me anymore, so I am with Kitty Connection to find a new home. Come and meet me at my foster mom’s by contacting her, Marie, at spooky1354@comcast.net


My name is Kitty and I am a five year old female cat. I am a real sweetheart and very friendly, and I absolutely love getting petted! My owner could not keep me and needed to find me a new home. Now, I am with Kitty Connection where this is possible sooner rather than later…and I hope it is sooner! Please contact my foster mom, Marie, at spooky1354@comcast.net

Soda Pop

My name is Soda Pop and I am an extremely friendly, six month old male kitten. I am very playful and get along with other cats. I can play on the rough side so it would be best for me to be in a home with no young children. Do you have a home with older children or no children at all? Looking for a friend to keep you company?

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I am Precious and I am a super sweet, super affectionate kitty who is looking for a home where I will be adored! I am all black and petite and I love attention. In fact…I cannot get enough! I will lay in your arms as long as you let me. Gazing at you, I long for you to fall in love with me! If you are interested in meeting me,

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My name is Missy and I am a sweet but shy five month female kitten. I do enjoy being held but she need someone that has experience with working with a shy kitty. I would definitely would enjoy having another playful feline friend in my life. If you are interested in meeting me, please email my foster mom, Denise, at dkingeric@aol.com.


My name is Sprinkle and I am a very friendly, one-year-old female cat. I am great with people and just love getting attention! I want to be an only cat so, if you have a “no feline household” come and meet me. If you want to meet me, please email kc@kittyconnection.net

Honey Girl

My name is Honey Girl. I was rescued while pregnant by a nice lady and taken into her home. She intended to keep me after finding homes for my kittens but it just isn’t working out. She has a resident cat…I just don’t like that cat and I am starting to boss her around. I want and need to be the only cat in your home. I also am not

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I am Bello (Italian for handsome man) and I am a 3 year old guy. I was surrendered by my owners and am now at Kitty Connection. I am a super love-bug and laying on a KC volunteer’s lap is one of my favorite activities. Of course, the volunteer is petting and stroking me as I am laying there.  I am a sp0nge, soaking up all the attention I can

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My name is Molly and I am a 5 month old tortie girl. I was rescued from outside (along with my sister, Missy) by a kind person. I am a little shy right now but I just came into my Kitty Connection foster home. I do like being with another friendly cat, I snuggle right up with him/her. In a few days, with some special attention, I will surely come

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I am Meshy  and I am a 5 month old sweetheart. I was living outside with my sister, Mimsey, when a nice person rescued us and brought us to Kitty Connection. I am a tiny bit shy at first but I respond well when the KC volunteers pet me. In fact, I love getting petted and shortly, with more attention, the lovebug in me will emerge! To meet me, please

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My name is Felix and I am a six month old male kitten. I am very friendly and playful and  I love to cuddle with my foster family. Hanging around with them is so much fun; I get lots of attention and hugs. I am a real cutie-pie! Please contact my foster mom, Marie,  at spooky1354@comcast.net


My name is Rupert and I am a 2 year boy. I was adopted as a kitten from Kitten Connection less than 2 years ago. I am now back because my owner could no longer take care of me. I am friendly and sweet and want a home again… a home where I will live the rest of my life.  A home where I will be loved for all of

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My name is Norman and my siblings are Chucky & Freddy. (You can see their individual postings, too!) We are all 5 month old male kittens who are very friendly and playful. We are looking for a home separately or with a brother or all 3 of us can go into your home together! We are also good with other cats so, if you are looking for a young friend

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My name is Manny and he and I am a 10 month old male kitten who was surrendered because my owner had too many cats. I have extra toes on my paws and I am very sweet and lovable (once I settle in). If you are interested in meeting me, please email: kc@kittyconnection.net


My name is Oreo and I am a six year old female cat. My owner had to give me up because the landlord said she had too many cats. She preferred to keep the youngest cat that she owned. I was surrendered along with me who is 10 months old and another six-month old cat who also is  pregnant. I hope someone will give me a forever home and love

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Black Jack

My name is Blackjack and I am a 6 to 8 month old male kitten. My owner could not keep me because they had too many cats. I am a very friendly and well-adjusted kitten and I get along with other cats. I love to play and chase toys. If you are interested in meeting me, please email kc@kittyconnection.net


My name is Chucky and I am a friendly five-month-old male kitten. I am available for adoption with my two brothers Freddy and Norman. We are all very playful kittens and we are looking for homes separately or…if you’d like a pair of brothers, pick 2 of us! Or… maybe you’d want all 3 of us…come and meet us and then decide! Please email Marie at spooky@1354@concast.net if you are

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My name is Freddy and my siblings are Chucky & Norman. (You can see their individual postings, too!) We are all 5 month old male kittens who are very friendly and playful. We are looking for a home separately or with a brother or all 3 of us can go into your home together! We are also good with other cats so, if you are looking for a young friend

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My name is Stappy and I am 2 years old. My owner couldn’t keep me anymore so I am looking for another forever home. I am a very curious cat and you can see this in my eyes, they are always searching and darting about. I love attention and I  will make sure that you see me…I will get your attention by grabbing you as you walk by or soliciting

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My name is Mimsy and  I am an extremely friendly, two year old, female tortie cat. My owner could no longer take care of me so I am looking for a new home. I am super sweet and love to roll around, hoping to get my tummy rubbed. I am quite a beauty and will be a real catch for my new adopter! I would like to be an “only”

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My name is Peaches and I am a very friendly and gentle 1 year-old female cat. My owner had to surrender me because she could no longer take care of me. I am good with other cats and a real sweetheart. I am hoping to have a loving home real soon so, please, come and meet me. If you’d like to meet me, email my foster mom at spooky1354@comcast.net.  


My name is Sean and I am a 4 to 5-month-old male tabby kitten. I am very friendly and playful, cute and lovable. Because my owners had to give me up because they had too many cats, I get along with other cats. If you are looking for a little friend for your lonely resident cat, please come and meet me. If you’d like to meet me, email my foster

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My name is Handsome and I and a two-year-old gray blue male cat. I am very friendly and handsome which is how I got my name. Once I settle in, I am very lovable and will enjoy your attention and affection! I need to be an only cat. Want to meet me? Email spooky1354@comcast.net.


My name is Juice and I am an extremely handsome big boy with all black fur. My original owner needed to re-home me and found me a new home. Later that year, she received a call from the MSPCA saying that I was there because she had me micro-chipped. She went and picked me up at the MSPCA and asked Kitty Connection to find me a home. I am settling

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My name is Julius and I am a handsome Siamese mixed boy. I was adopted from Kitty Connection a few years ago. My owner is now going into a group home that already has a house cat. The home will not let my owner him take me with him. My owner’s case worker has advocated for my owner to keep me because I am a loving companion to him. I

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My name is Monkey and I am a young girl. My owners left me behind, outside, when they left. A neighbors called Kitty Connection to help me out by taking me in and finding me a home. I might be a little shy when you meet me but once I’m comfortable, I’m very affectionate and would love to sit on your lap and purr while you pet my soft fur!

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My name is Hazel and I am a beautiful all black, 3-year old. I am FIV positive but that doesn’t mean I can’t live a long life. I am super friendly and lovable; getting attention from people is awesome! I cannot wait to have a home again…are you that special person who has room in your heart for a gorgeous gal like me? Here’s a video of me playing with

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Hey there…I am Charlie, a handsome 3 year old grey tabby boy. I was living outside after being abandoned by my owner and that is where I got FiV (probably from getting into a fight with another FiV+ cat). I am very friendly and happy to have an opportunity to get a forever home. I can live a happy and long life in my forever home because Kitty Connection requires

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Hi, I’m Bootsie and I’m a friendly, curious 4 year old cat. I love to explore things and to jump and sit in high places where I can watch everybody. I might be a little shy when you first meet me, but my foster family says I’m sweet, goodnatured and independent. I’ll be a very good cat friend with any new owner or resident feline (if introduced properly). I have

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Hello there, I’m Tigger, a 4 year old brown tabby and I’m looking for a new home. The human I’ve lived with since I was born is having some health problems and can’t take care of me anymore. I’m a little shy, quiet and mellow, yet very easy to get along with. I love to climb onto laps and being petted; and mealtimes…ooohhh I LOVE mealtimes! I’ve lived with my

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Hi, I’m Pico and I am a friendly, affectionate and curious 4 year old cat. (My foster caretakers say I’m pretty handsome, too!) Jumping and playing are my favorite pastimes…I’ll even jump into your lap. I have lived with my brother and sister, Bootsie & Tigger, from the time I was born but my owner can no longer take care of me. I’d be happy to go to a new

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I am an 8 week old, all black short furred (with whiffs of white fur on my legs) kitten named Memory. I am here with my brothers and sisters. We are all sweet, playful, and super adorable. We each need to be adopted into homes where there is a resident cat to keep us company. Kittens as young as we are, do not like to go from living with our

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My name is Chula and I am an extremely friendly and lovable six year old female cat. I was adopted from Kitty Connection and have been an absolute love. Sadly, one of the roommates is severely allergic to me so I need to be rehomed. My dad is very sad as I am extremely lovable and playful. I do need to be in only pet in the household. Won’t you

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  My name is Leroy and I am a very friendly, gentle, and loving three-year-old male cat. I was on “death row” because I was at FIV positive. Fortunately, I found my way to Kitty Connection and now have a second chance at life, because KC knows that having “FIV” is no reason to put me to sleep. I can live as long and as healthy of a life as

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My name is Lexi and I was picked up as a stray and thought to be pregnant. Luckily, I wasn’t pregnant and now I am up for adoption. My personality is such that I am an absolute love bug, love being petted and love to play!  I tolerate other cats that would be the happiest as the only feline in your home. Looking for an absolute beauty? Please email kc@kittyconnection.net


I am Simon and I am a sweet young boy…just about 1 year old. I was discovered in a box on the side of a road. Can you imagine?  I am now safe at Kitty Connection where I am looking for my forever home. I am extremely friendly and love attention; rolling over for belly rubs as soon as I meet you. Getting petted puts me in heaven! Are you

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My name is Cleo and I am a 3 year old girl. I lived with an elderly man since I was a kitten. He needed to move into an assisted living home and could not take me with him. I am a beautiful who loves getting petted but, at a certain point, I have had enough and may have to let you know it. (I have a typical “tortie” personality!)

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I am Umi and I am a 4 year old girl. When I was a kitten, I was adopted out from Kitty Connection. Four years later, the MSPCA called KC to say that I had been left there. KC came and picked me up. I am a sweet and beautiful feline and am looking for a home with humans who will love me forever. I have an imperfect eye which

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My name is Salem and I am a 2 year old boy. I was heard crying outside on a rainy night. A neighbor opened his door to see who was crying and I ran right into his house. Kitty Connection was called and I am now safe and warm. I am friendly and swee,t and I hope to get a home where I can play and get lots of love.

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