
I am Maxx and I am a handsome, long-furred 12 year old guy who is looking for a new home. My owner got evicted from his apartment. I am a sweet and gentle cat and I a would like an owner who is sweet and gentle, too. I have beautiful long fur that will need combing on a regular basis to prevent matting. I love getting petted and hanging with

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My name is Gracie and I am 13 years old. My owner got evicted from his apartment and I was surrendered to Kitty Connection. I am scared and my eye hurts. Kitty Connection will be taking me to an animal eye specialist because there is something wrong with my eye. I am looking for a quiet home and a new owner who will love me for the rest of my

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My name is Leonardo and I’m a very friendly and playful 8 week old kitten. I definitely need a playmate in my life and a family to love me. Could you be that family? Kitty Connection believes that a kitten can get depressed if it moves from a happy life with it’s mother and/or siblings to a home where it is totally alone. Therefore, every Kitty Connection kitten must be

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My name is Leo and I was abandoned with my brother when our owners moved away. The neighbors came out when they saw our owners packing up their car. The neighbors asked our owners about us and our owners responded that we would be fine on our own! Kitty Connection took us in and brought us to the vet. When I was getting examined, the vet felt a mass on

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My name is Yelp and I am a friendly tuxedo boy about three years old. I was abandoned when the family I loved moved away and left me behind. I was out on my own for months fending for myself, but some neighbors were nice to me and helped feed me. They contacted Kitty Connection, which took me in. I have been to the vet, where I have been neutered,

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My name is Nugget and I’m a very handsome 1 yr old male cat.  I love attention and am definitely a lap cat.  I love being with you.  I need a family that is home a lot or has an older adult living home that would enjoy a very loving companion.  I am playful and would do good with all age groups.


My name is Sabrina and I am one lucky female cat. The above photo shows where I was found on the Mass Pike in Boston (on the left-hand side). A nice couple stopped and put me in their car and, to the their amazement, I was pregnant. Because they were leaving town, they contacted Kitty Connection to see if they had room for me. In the meantime, I delivered my

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I am Chloe, a very sweet black and white, 4 year old girl. I lost the only home I’d ever known when the person who meant the world to me, dumped me because of landlord issues. I knew that I was being rescued from a bad situation. My foster mom says that I am great with kids, like to play, and love getting petted. I have been examined by a vet and spayed, vaccinated against rabies and distemper, combo-tested negative

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My name is Kiko and I am a very friendly, well-adjusted two-year-old male. I love everyone I meet! I would do well in a new home of all age groups and I’m fine with other cats and would do well with a dog, too!


My name is Metza and I’m a 7 year old female calico cat. My owner adopted me and is now having a kidney transplant. Because of this, she won’t be able to keep me and she won’t be able to afford me either. I get along with other cats; I am a very friendly and sweet girl. If you’d like to meet me, contact Marie at  


My name is Kaboodle and I’m an eight week old coon mix Tori female kitten. I was rescued outside with my mom and other siblings. I need some TLC and lots of love to help me settle into my new surroundings. If you pick me up and swaddle me in a blanket, I’m a real sweetie – but I still will run and hide if you put me down. I

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My name is Joan and I am a 14 week old female calico kitten. I was rescued with my mom and other littermates. We had a lot of medical problems but now we are healthy and ready for adoption! I purr like crazy and love attention & pets! Please email if you’re interested in meeting me!


My name is Janet and I am a 14 week old female calico kitten. I was rescued with my mom and other litter mates. We had a lot of medical problems but now we are healthy and ready for adoption! I need some TLC to help me adjust to a new home, but I get along great with other cats! Please email if you’re interested in meeting me!  


My name is Jessie and I’m a 10 to 12 week old female kitten. I was brought to the police station because my owner could not keep me any more. Animal Control contacted Kitty Connection to find me a home. I’m a real cuddle bug and a very playful kitten. If you want to meet me, email


My name is Cochella, but you can call me Coach. I’m mostly white with a few grey patches, a big, friendly lug, about eight years old. I lived with someone whom I loved with all my heart. Although they fed me well, maybe a little too well, they abandoned me on the street when they moved away. I was lucky I was rescued before anything bad happened to me. You

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My name is Hillary and I am about 1 year old. My kittens and I were rescued from living our lives outside. I was so skinny because I did not have much to eat while I was nursing my babies. My kittens are grown up now and I am now healthier. It is a time for a home of my own. I am sweet and beautiful, and I love attention

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My name is Peaches and I am a 2-3 year old dilute calico girl. I was rescued from off the streets by a nice lady. She took me into her home where she already had a cat however, the landlord said she could have only one cat in the apartment. She called Kitty Connection to see if they could find me a home so, here I am. I am sweet

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My name is Frannie and I am a 2-4 years old female cat. I was discovered in my crate, abandoned outside of a vet clinic. I am now at Kitty Connection and a little scared…but that doesn’t stop me from chatting up a storm. I love to talk. Are you looking for a sweetheart to keep you company? I am very beautiful and adorable, and I love getting petted. I

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I am Dempsey. I lived on the streets of a shady neighborhood in a nearby town. Someone deliberately kicked me in the head causing severe trauma to my eye and it may have to be removed. Someone called Animal Control and they came to investigate my situation. AC then called Kitty Connection to see if they would help me with my medical needs. KC came right out and I am

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My name is Hagrid and I am an extremely handsome, 9 week old male kitten. Being a typical kitten, I love to play with cat toys by tossing them into the air and jumping on them wherever they land. Chasing my siblings and wrestling with  them is a favorite pastime of mine. I need my new home to have a friendly cat or dog for me to play with because

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I am Hermine and I am an extremely cute, 9 week old female tabby kitten. Being a typical kitten, I love to play with cat toys by tossing them into the air and jumping on them wherever they land. Chasing my siblings and wrestling with  them is a favorite pastime of mine. I need my new home to have a friendly cat or dog for me to play with because

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I am Hilda and I am an extremely cute, 9 week old calico female kitten. Being a typical kitten, I love to play with cat toys by tossing them into the air and jumping on them wherever they land. Chasing my siblings and wrestling with  them is a favorite pastime of mine. I want my new home to have a friendly cat or dog for me to play with because

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I am Henrietta and I am an extremely cute, 9 week old female kitten. Being a typical kitten, I love to play with cat toys by tossing them into the air and jumping on them wherever they land. Chasing my siblings and wrestling with  them is a favorite pastime of mine. I want my new home to have a friendly cat or dog for me to play with because I

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My name is Georgie and I am here with my 2 brothers: Georgie & Gerald. (Gerald Has been adopted!) We are 8 weeks old and all extremely sweet yet spunky. Get us out on the floor and we are all over the place. We play with kitty toys and wrestle with each other and scoot all over. We are all tabbies and cute as can be! Remember, if adopted separately,

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My name is Georgie and I am here with my 2 brothers: Gerald & Gerard. We are 8 weeks old and all extremely sweet yet spunky. Get us out on the floor and we are all over the place. We play with kitty toys and wrestle with each other and scoot all over. We are all tabbies and cute as can be! Remember, if adopted separately, we need to have

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My name is Gerald and I am here with my 2 brothers: Georgie & Gerard. We are 8 weeks old and all extremely sweet yet spunky. Get us out on the floor and we are all over the place. We play with kitty toys and wrestle with each other and scoot all over. We are all tabbies and cute as can be! Remember, if adopted separately, we need to have

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I am Ferguson and I am a 9 weeks old. I am here with my brother, Fernando.  We are very furry and funny…chasing toys and wrestling with each other. We love cuddling and getting petted, and are looking forward to meeting you. We are big baby boys and we will grow up to be big adult cats! Remember, if you adopt me without my brother, I will need you to

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My name is Licorice and I am a four-year-old male cat. I was living outside while a nice lady took care of me. She would let me in her house and wanted to keep me, but her own cat did not like that idea. She contacted Kitty Connection to find me a forever home. I am extremely friendly and well-adjusted. I love people and will sleep in bed with you.

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My name is Mariah and I am a pretty 1-2 year old girl. I am very playful and I love my human very much. Snuggling and cuddling are some of my favorite pastimes. I’m a great  hunter of toy mice and I particularly love watching the action out the window! A nice sunny spot on the floor will keep me snoozing for hours on end. I am cute, sweet and

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My name is Mimi and I’m a sleek, panther-like black female, about eight years old. You can see from my pictures that I have quite a distinctive, elegant appearance. I used to live in a home with my feline sister and my human family, which included older children. I used to play with them a lot and even follow them from room to room. Unfortunately, sometimes I played with my

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I am Ellie, a 12 week old little grey tabby girl. My brother and I were rescued from a living on the streets. A nice person  took us in and worked with us to build our confidence with people. She then reached out to Kitty Connection to get us vetted, fixed, and forever homes. My brother has already been adopted and now I am waiting for my Prince or Princess

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My name is Annie (as in Little Orphan Annie). I am a sweet 6-7 month calico female who was living on the streets of Dorchester… all by myself. Luckily, someone saw me and how skinny I was, and started to feed me. I immediately let them know that I was friendly and would very much like to live my life indoors. I am super sweet, I love to play with

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Hi! My name’s Dumbledore and I’m a 6 month old bun girl. I like carrots and strawberries but, I can’t have them too often since I’m watching my figure. I’m very social and love when my owner pets me before going to bed but I don’t like when people pick me up because I get scared. I like living in a very spacious cage or being loose in the room

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Hi! My name is Linda, and I’m one of the most pleasant cats you’ll ever meet! I’m a four-year-old tabby girl with a bob tail. I lost my home when the person I loved with all my heart moved away. He left me with his nephew, who dumped me because he said he didn’t have time for me, so I wound up in a kill shelter. I wasn’t happy about

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My name is Mo Mo and I’m a four-year-old male cat. I had a family I loved but when they decided to divorce I was surrendered to Kitty Connection. I still don’t understand why they would do that to me after I loved them so much but, after lots of patience from my foster family, I’m learning to love again.  I am shy when I meet new people, so my

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My name is Tyson and I am an extremely handsome, 10 to 12 week old male, orange tabby kitten. I am a little on the shy side but I do love being held and cuddled by my foster mom. I love to play with other cats and I cannot wait to get adopted into your home. I do hope you have a friendly feline at home so I have a

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My name is Willa and I am an exceptionally lucky little girl. I was brought to Kitty Connection along with my 3 other siblings and we were extremely sick. Two of them died. My brother, William and I survived but I was the sickest. With the help of many KC volunteers pulling for me, I survived and I am a beautiful and vigorous grey tabby. I would love to be adopted along with my

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My name is Willa and I am an exceptionally lucky little girl. I was brought to Kitty Connection along with my 3 other siblings and we were extremely sick. Two of them died. My brother, William and I survived but I was the sickest. With the help of many KC volunteers pulling for me, I survived and I am a beautiful and vigorous grey tabby. I would love to be adopted along with my

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I am Zora, a really pretty, 8 week old tabby female kitten. I was brought to Kitty Connection along with my mom and sister. I am sweet and cute, and I love to play. If you are interested in adding me to your loving home, you MUST have another pet in household. Kitty Connection no longer adopts out single kittens because many have been returned once they’ve grown into adults. They have developed issues because of growing up

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I am Zanie, a 9-10 week old female tabby kitten. I was brought to Kitty Connection along with my mom and other sibling, Zorah, after being rescued by a nice person from a life on the streets. I am sweet and cute, and I love to play. If you are interested in adding me to your loving home, you MUST have another pet in household. Kitty Connection no longer adopts out single

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My name is Zinnia and I am a 1-2 year old tabby and white female cat. I came to Kitty Connection along with my 2 kittens. They are now grown and I am spayed so, no more kittens for me. I am happy to be adopted into a home where I can be loved and adored. Do you have that kind of home for me? If you are interested in

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I am Dexter, an really sweet 8 week old male kitten. I was brought to Kitty Connection along with my 4 other siblings after being surrendered by our owner. I am cute and adorable, and I love getting cuddled. If you are interested in adding me to your loving home, you MUST have another pet in household. Kitty Connection no longer adopts out single kittens because many have been returned once they’ve grown into adults. They have

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I am Dalia, an exceptionally cute 8 week old female kitten. I was brought to Kitty Connection along with my 4 other siblings after being surrendered by our owner. I am sweet and cute, and I love getting cuddled. If you are interested in adding me to your loving home, you MUST have another pet in household. Kitty Connection no longer adopts out single kittens because many have been returned once they’ve grown

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I am Dominic, an very handsome 8 week old male kitten. I was brought to Kitty Connection along with my 4 other siblings after being surrendered by our owner. I am sweet and cute, and I love getting cuddled. If you are interested in adding me to your loving home, you MUST have another pet in household. Kitty Connection no longer adopts out single kittens because many have been returned once they’ve grown into adults. They have

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I am Dexter, an exceptionally handsome 8 week old male kitten. I was brought to Kitty Connection along with my 4 other siblings after being surrendered by our owner. I am sweet and cute, and I love getting cuddled. If you are interested in adding me to your loving home, you MUST have another pet in household. Kitty Connection no longer adopts out single kittens because many have been returned once they’ve grown

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Dee Dee

I am Dee Dee, an exceptionally beautiful and fluffy 8 week old female kitten. I was brought to Kitty Connection along with my 4 other siblings after being surrendered by our owner. I am sweet and cute, and I love getting cuddled. If you are interested in adding me to your loving home, you MUST have another pet in household. Kitty Connection no longer adopts out single kittens because many have

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I am Yogi, a very handsome, 6-7 month old kitten. I was given up by my elderly owner because a kitten was too much for her to deal with. I may have some “Russian Blue” genes in me because of my beautiful gray coat of fur. I’d like an adopter  who has the time to interact with me…playing, petting and cuddling. Please contact Kitty Connection at if you are interested

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