In Memory of Maya, June 2010
Maya had a very tough, short life and we made her as comfortable as possible while she was with us. Her last few days were spent with Melanie, and as Stacey saw first hand, she was finally happy. We will miss you Maya.
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Maya had a very tough, short life and we made her as comfortable as possible while she was with us. Her last few days were spent with Melanie, and as Stacey saw first hand, she was finally happy. We will miss you Maya.
Raddish came to Kitty Connection in July with 12 of her siblings. They were all in the same home with five adults and none were spayed/neutered. Raddish was only 8 weeks old and had had a rough start to her very young life. She began having 10-12 seizures a day that would exhaust her little body, but she got comfort in being held and rocked to sleep by her Kitty
Chrissy was a very special dog to the volunteers at Kitty Connection. Chrissy’s owner died and Chrissy was taken in by Kitty Connection at 12 years old and she was both blind and deaf. Chrissy was adopted by a woman in Somerville. Chrissy died in her sleep and she was very much loved and we will all miss her.
Katrina, Mrs. Miniver at our home, was well loved. She was a constant companion to my mom, curling up to sleep with her at night, playing all the time, and sleeping stretched out in all the sunny windows. We will miss her always.
Tony, formerly Zipper, was an adorable, loving kitten who stole a lot of hearts. Sadly, he was taken away way too soon from his new mom and sister Ziva (formerly Snap). He will be greatly missed by us all.
Losing You Wiley Bo ~6-4-10 ~ 9-1-10 Our hearts still ache in sadness, …And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. Though we had only held you in our arms for a just little while, we know we gave you so much love in that week and you didn’t die alone. We hold you in our hearts forever.
Blessings and gratitude to Isaac, a cat of distinct character who always wanted to be near, and always had the knack of looking like he was standing at attention. There was nothing sweeter than his peace when at rest. He blessed us greatly, and he is greatly missed.
Freddy was the sweetest and most amazing dog and we miss him terribly. Anne & Deck.
Fergie passed away unexpectedly. She was a sweet, friendly girl who never had a chance to belong to any family. Sadly, she and her kittens were dumped in a container with no holes. They were found in time and her babies adopted, but Fergie must not have been strong enough to fight off whatever ailment affected her. She will be missed.
Blake was a hurricane Katrina victim. He was brought to MA when many of the cats were transported to various rescues. Months later, many of the groups still had a lot of cats and Kitty Connection happened to meet one of those organizations. They asked if KC could help find homes for any of the cats and Blake, who was called Smokey at the time, came to Kitty Connection to
After a brief battle with FIP, Bruno succumbed to the disease. Bruno’s short life on earth was filled with joy and happiness as he was very much loved and will never be forgotten by his owners, Harry and Phil, and by all of us at Kitty Connection. May his little soul rest in peace.
Jetties, formerly known as Dumfries, will be greatly missed by his family and kitty friend Jinx. Sadly, his heart stopped suddenly when he was given anesthesia in preparation for surgery. His two little girls greatly miss their fluffy little orange bed buddy who tucked them in at night. He was greatly loved and cared for by his family for the brief time he was with them.
Little Connie (formerly Cornwall) left this world on 2/26/11 after a brief but valiant battle with FIP. She was 6 months old. We only had the privilege of sharing Connie’s life for the last 3 months, but we could not have loved her more had we shared 20 years! She showed that love was mutual by crawling inside her mom’s pajama top (while on) to take naps and by purring
Salty succumbed to renal failure. She was the sweetest, most gentle cat who purred nonstop, even at the end. I loved her with all my heart. Karen
Duffy came to Kitty Connection in late 2010. He was found as a stray. He tested positive for FIV and had to have numerous dental extractions. Duffy hadn’t been doing well for the past few weeks and couldn’t fight an infection in his body because of his weakened immune. He touched the lives of many people at Kitty Connection, but especially me and Marie. He was and always will be
In memory of Jennifer “Jenna” Jacob, a beautiful young lady who left this world much too soon and a true friend of cats. She passed away on March 2 with her beloved cats “Sneakers”, “Rusty” and “Jasper” by her side. One of her requests was that people donate to Kitty Connection in her memory. We are grateful to Jenna for thinking of us and of the animals we can save.
My dear friend, Lou Peterson, passed away in June 2010. He was a sweet, kindhearted man. He respected and appreciated nature. He adored all animals, both wild life and domesticated. Our paths crossed about 13 years ago during our successful effort in rescuing a cat, named Henry. We maintained our friendship by other cat rescues, Snowy and Becky. We teamed up to help an injured seagull. Lou had told me
Rocky was a wonderful and loyal friend who only wanted to find a home where he could share his unconditional love and be happy. He was never happier than when he was around someone he loved, just hanging out and sharing the companionship. We are deeply saddened that he is no longer with us, but we will always remember this wonderful boy.
Simon came to me from Kitty Connection as a foster in January 2008 (originally named “Homer’), and he never left. He was such a wonderful cat — mellow, very affectionate, beautiful, quirky. He loved to have his belly rubbed and to be near me. He had a fluffy, crooked Dr. Seuss tail and a little spot on his nose that almost earned him the name Crawford (as in Cindy). He
Cleo was a very sweet and gentle cat who used to live in a home that had too many cats. While there she did not get the care she needed. She came into our care but it was too late and she passed away from kidney failure. Although she deserved a better life, we hope that we were able to give her the love, care and attention she deserved in
Sunny was a beautiful, long-haired male who was sweet, gentle and loving. Sadly he passed away at 11 years of age. This beautiful boy will be missed.
Hammy’s life was not an easy one, but while he was part of the Kitty Connection family he was loved and given shelter and protection. Sadly, he was diagnosed with diabetes and his health went downhill rapidly. This brave boy will be missed by everyone who loved him.
Margarida was a beautiful calico girl who was found starving on the streets of Medford. Kitty Connection only had her for a short time before she succumbed to bad health complications. This sweet girl will be missed by us.
Pretty Girl was a special sweet girl who was loved by two incredible people: Maureen who found Pretty Girl living under a trailer and brought her to Kitty Connection, and Florence who gave Pretty Girl a loving home for the last five months knowing that she had feline leukemia and that her life would likely be short. Pretty Girl loved with all her heart. Even though she was very sick
Tuna was a lovely but overweight 10-year old boy who suffered from diabetes and subsequently neurological disorders. He will be missed.
Hennessey was a beautiful lab/pit mix – a love bug with lots of energy who deserved a happier life. We will miss him.
Florence was a friendly and sweet female who was rescued from the streets. But living on the streets took its toll on her health. We will miss her.
I remember the first time I met Precious, a skinny little white and brown tabby cat. She was going to the vet for a checkup and was the only cat I’ve ever seen who purred the entire way to the vet, the entire time she was at the vet, and the whole way home…she also pooped in her carrier on the way home. I would come to learn that that
Foxy was a 4 to 5 month old calico kitten who was left in a carrier on a veterinarian’s doorstep with a can of food. She was taken in by our volunteers to be given a chance at a new home. Unfortunately, she was severely ill and did not make it; but her last few days were filled with love and warmth. It is very sad when such a sweet
Winkie was a little love bug whose owner became too sick to continue to take care of her. Winkie was an older girl who loved attention and to sit with you. Sadly, Winkie became ill and it was her time to go. We’ll miss this wonderful cat.
Iggy and her sister joined our family on September 15, 2012, when they were an estimated 12 weeks old. They loved each other very much, although Iggy always let her sister boss her around. Iggy’s favorite things to do were to be held, nap under the covers with her mom and dad, and move her tail for her sister to chase. Iggy was the runt, and was so proud of
View Full PostIn Memory of Inigo Montoya Peterson (Iggy), December 2012
Mascovy was an incredibly sweet and friendly, 5-month-old kitten rescued from the streets. This poor little guy had a broken leg and Kitty Connection provided him with the medical help that he needed. Sadly, though, Mascovy suffered from previously unknown complications and passed away. We’ll miss this sweet boy but take comfort in knowing that we gave him love and care so that he didn’t have to die alone outside
Mike came to Kitty Connection along with his friend, Boo-Boo, when their owner passed away. Boo-Boo was adopted first and then fortunately Mike found a wonderful home as well. Sadly, though, Mike passed away. Our hearts break for Mike and for his new owner who both experienced loss.
I’m a 9-year-old purebred Akita. My owner passed away in January, and her family must sell her home. There are no family members who have the room to keep me. I’m affectionate and love people, but I can’t go to a home that has cats or other animals. I come with a crate and bed that’s mine. I’m fixed and all my medical have been done. Please contact Kitty Connection
What can I say about Aidan (Chuck)? I’ll tell you what I can say. He was the sweetest boy I ever met!! I may have only known him for one month but he has found a place in my heart forever. He never once tried to scratch or bite. He never hissed. The vets all said that he was a love. Even as he became more ill and I
You don’t need to go to the RMV for one of these great plates… … View Full PostLicense Plates Support Spay/Neuter Efforts
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says children and pets should not be exposed to Evamist, a drug for women that is sprayed on the skin to treat hot flashes caused by menopause. … View Full PostKeep Kids, Pets Away From Skin Sprayed With Evamist
Update: Governor Patrick signed S.88 into law on 1/4/13. You can email the Governor to thank him, via the form at the bottom of his webpage. On June 12, 2012, S.88 passed the Senate and on December 27, 2012, S.88 passed the House – both unanimously – thank your legislators for their support of S.88. If you don’t know who represents you, visit and scroll down to find Rep
Have you ever noticed a colony of cats hanging around your neighborhood? Perhaps you yourself have kindly been feeding stray animals? Why are there so many animals out there fending for themselves? The answer in most cases is that these animals have been abandoned or have been born into the wild without being spayed or neutered. Thus, they continue to reproduce among themselves and these colonies grow. Although no shelter
Visit the USFDA site to keep up to date. … View Full PostUSFDA Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts